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Behold, Hello Kitty-Branded Martial Arts Armour

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You are looking at kendo armour covered in Hello Kitty. That's right. Kendo armour. Hello Kitty. Go figure.

When you think of kendo, you think of tough people, smacking each other on the head with bamboo sticks. You don't think of Hello Kitty. Not that people practicing kendo would actually wear this—at least, we hope not!

For four decades now, Hello Kitty has made a career showing up on all sorts of products—whether that's toasters, toilet paper, or that infamous vibrator.


And here we are now, looking at Hello Kitty bogu (防具) or "kendo armour." And yes, people in Japan think this particular choice is rather unusual.


But, it's not surprising, really. There's a joke in Japan that Hello Kitty "works too much" or "will appear on any product." That sounds about right!


The above Hello Kitty kendo gear was photographed by Twitter user Aya at the recent Hello Kitty Expo in Japan. Details on it are scant (no idea if that is actually for sale); however, you can see more forthcoming Hello Kitty branded products that were on display below:

Non-alcohol cocktails. Flavors include Japanese plum wine, cassis orange, and mojito. Alcohol 0.00 percent, but with that boozy taste you love!


Beauty masks. Because Hello Kitty is beautiful.

Air conditioners and air purifiers. Yeah, this isn't freaky. Not at all.

Kitchen electronics and other home goods. Okay, stuff you can see people possibly buying.


One of several Hello Kitty-themed musical instruments. Hey, that's clever.

The Very Hungry Hello Kitty. Why? No, why?

Photos: お花見や海のお供にこれな, 女子の味方, それからこんなものも出るんだとか, このエアコン, 家電, ドラムもベースもあったんだ, テニスラケット [@to_Colour_AYA]


私の大好きなはらぺこあおむしとキティちゃんのコラボ商品 [@makori_ta]

To contact the author of this post, write to or find him on Twitter @Brian_Ashcraft.


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