It has been a wonderful, wonderful ride, the double Os. After all, they saw the birth of Kotaku. They also saw the inception of our now annual holiday card.
Two years ago Mark Wilson suggested that we should try and put together something a little special for our readers: A delightful thank you to all of those gamers out there who spend their busy work days reading Kotaku. The result was a funny little ditty written and, sadly, performed by Kotaku's own. We called it Still Not Banned.
Last year Adam Barenblat helped produce a Live Action Holiday Special featuring many of us talking to a camera in different parts of Kotaku Tower. It also included an impressive line-up of special in-game guests. Ignore my deliberately bad acting (and Princess Leia quoting) and dig the fact I was wearing my wife's robe when we shot A Very Special Kotaku Holiday Podcast.
This year we looked to Barely Digital and the Gregory Brothers for our little digital thanks to readers. They prepared this short, but sweet send off of autotuned video games.
Enjoy and make 2010 your best year ever. I know we intend to.