All of this freedom to explore in No Man’s Sky is giving me a headache.
All of this freedom to explore in No Man’s Sky is giving me a headache.
Some adventures cannot begin without naming your character. It’s when Final Fantasy Clouds can be Squalls. Or Freds.…
Before the first episode ended, the killing game began anew. Should we have anticipated anything less? No, it’s the D…
The last few games I played couldn’t be any more different from one another. The same goes for their varied,…
Heartbreak is stumbling on a planet, entering its atmosphere to see lush green hills and island chains surrounded by…
Oh how I long to relive those days chasing danger, and launching stealthy attacks on those damned dirty apes of Ape…
The ever-present snow in I Am Setsuna gives life to cute snowmen with askew smiles. They may be found tucked away…
One of the biggest scandals to hit the 2016 Google Doodle Fruit Games was the realization that I can’t ride a…
Lately, I’ve become enamored with cultural experiences associated with Summer—namely, the spookiness of ghost…
My name’s Narelle, and I’ve crawled my way from the Upside Down known as TAY to be your Guest Weekend Editor.…
Nintendo’s digital events have become a highlight of E3—pre-recorded presentations, as opposed to live stage shows,…
One of the most talked about things from Sony’s E3 2015 Press Conference was the unveiling of a Final Fantasy VII…
E3 2016 starts next week, and with it comes the opportunity to cheer or groan over teases about upcoming games and…
Travis Touchdown saves the game by taking a dump. And Jack? Jack...he’s a psycho maniac. The irreverent humor of No…
Hot dogs and hamburgers are great, and all. But wouldn’t a barbecue be even cooler with a comforting flask of estus…
In the last couple of years, I’ve developed a strange relationship with JRPGs. I found myself tiring of their…
Oh dear. Seems video game movies are having a really bad time of it as always as of late. Angry Birds got fried. The …
The quiet, deliberate piano notes drifting eerily. The desert colorful under the setting sun, with a crescent moon…
The fine folks over at SpeedoSausage have released a new NSFW Yu-Gi-Oh parody that hilariously skewers the main…
Final Fantasy VII is as memorable as it is largely thanks to its multifaceted soundtrack.