Zack Zwiezen's saved articles

Zack Zwiezen
Kotaku Staff Writer | Zack Zwiezen is a writer living in Kansas. He has written for GameCritics, USgamer, Kill Screen, HardDrive, & Entertainment Fuse.

Food delivery is an established, proven service popular with consumers. The problem lies in making the delivery drivers free agents. It used to be that a pizza delivery guy would be working in the kitchen when not out on delivery, so he got paid an hourly wage and the tips were just a bonus. Now, the drivers are sittin Read more

Absolutely psyched for another Amy Hennig game. It’s been too long since she was last in charge of a project! Read more


I have less than zero faith in any major studio these days to handle a property like this properly, but... wow.  Read more

The catch that you have to leave the bin makes this feel like a sketch and I love it.
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Not gonna lie, my partner would have been very annoyed with me because I would have come home with all of them, just for the bit of having them. Read more

spkrts games are one section of the market that I am 100% ok with them selling digital.only. the amount of plastic waste these discs generate is crazy. Read more

Can I pay someone to stop putting this guys face in the thumbnails? I no longer wish to look at dead things. Read more

But why? A sculpture of literally anything else FFXIV related would make more sense than a fake console with an extra logo... It’s just a blue box lol.
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Great, can’t wait for some MAGA chud congressperson to sip this mug on the House floor without knowing where it came from.
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I mostly played the PC version of Battlefront 2, but years after it came out. I don’t think I ever bothered to set up online gameplay and none of my friends played, so I played a lot just against the AI. I was never good enough to not have enough of a challenge playing them, though I did still usually win. And Read more

“After careful consideration, we’ve decided against Hitler quotes and instead will be using quotes from Mao Zedong.” -Austin St. John Read more

Poor one out for the poor employees that are going to have to deal with the hoards of anime nerds acting like entitled children.
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Scalpers will be eating well.

I know little about Belgians, but I hope Belgian nerds aren’t as awful as the nerds I’m used to seeing crawl out of the woodwork for things like this.  Read more

I remember when Robot Unicorn Attack stopped working on my ipad, and it never got updated. I was so sad. :(
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There’s way, WAY too much Chadley.

On the other hand, you do get the opportunity to play him in Queen’s Blood and make him eat his awful, overconfident asshole words and beat him into the ground. At cards.

But it’s honestly one of the more fulfilling moments the game so far.  Read more

I love how much I hate this kid. The writing for him is an absolute masterclass in passive-aggression. His polite putdowns are positively Canadian-grade.

“Cloud, good news. Your failure in that previous combat challenge gave me the data needed to create an easy-baby mode!”

“Cloud, in order to study the planet, we need Read more