Patricia Hernandez's saved articles

Patricia Hernandez
Kotaku's EIC. Beats: internet culture, gaming communities, fandom, Pokémon, and Nintendo. When not at a computer, typically boxing or reading.

Is this the biggest controversy in gaming? No, of course not. Would it be nice if orientalism wasn’t perpetually used by white people as short-hand for futuristic/exotic/mystical, etc.? Yes. Read more

Writer: “Good game has a weird but understandable problem with it, some people might find it interesting. I should make a note that it clearly wasn’t malicious in there, small indie title after all, but the devs have been quiet when its been brought up to them before, just focus on what’s wrong here.” Read more

It does make sense. I mean, based on current real world information, racists are among the group least likely to seek out vaccinations or other medical assistance in the event of a zombie plague. I bet they just lost their MAGA hats in the zombie shuffle. Read more

Ok so I know one thing. All the things in the video are reddit posts. If i had to guess, they’re top all time on r/holup or something like that. Ive seen the originals before Read more

This sounds like a pretty decent set of fixes, for the most part, with some steps in the right direction. Even if they don’t manage to address every concern in this patch, I’m confident they’ll continue to adjust. Balancing asymmetrical multiplayer games is hard, and it is often easier to implement some changes and Read more

Zeraora’s discharge is completely untouched.” Oof, I had a match last night where the enemy Zeraora was only a single level above my team (they were 12, we were 11) and managed to wipe out 3 of us, while we stood on our goal and focused our attacks on him, with a single discharge... while scoring. It is oppressive in Read more

Great article, full stop. Thanks for bringing to light some amazing people I had no idea existed, even though I was aware of most of the things they’ve worked on... which tells me how necessary this article was.
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Linda fucking rocks. Really refreshing to see a collector who wants to play and enjoy the material instead of let it sit in a box. Hope to amass something like this for myself someday. Read more

What’s incredibly wholesome about this - Ok, not the only thing, but ONE of the things- is that her brain has associated gaming with the joy of family togetherness.  She’s like the Dani Rojas of gaming. Gaming is love! Gaming is life! Read more

To her, their worth is in the joy they bring, not how much money she can get. Read more

As someone who has started getting into the game since the Tuners update (I’m basically pretending it’s a new Midnight Club) being poor is also a pain in the ass. Read more

Another thing that drives me nuts is when news stories about games start off with “Games have come a long way since Pong...” And they ALL do it.

Pong hasn’t been relevant for 40 years. You don’t see stories about movies start out with “films have come a long way since Roundhay Garden Scene” Read more

I still have soooo many ships in asset safety somewhere from back when I played...
I should log in and make some sort of competition and gift them out :D

if ships are that scarce, my 50+ subcaps, 2 rorqs, 2 thannies and my Nyx would make for great gifts :)
I’d need to remember my passwords and stuff tho, it’s been a Read more

CCP is being very disingenuous to pretend that this is mostly about monetization. That’s just the straw that broke the camel’s back. Read more

Honestly don’t think the clip was really that bad, but nice that people are showing Arita some respect. I was very captured by the artwork on a number of the cards I owned as a kid, and sometimes nowadays I wish I could purchase (or just even find online) larger versions.

That’s been a strong suspicion since the first episode where she sensed Crosshair coming when the Batch was trying to free their shuttle from the hangar on Kamino. Read more

I, for one, welcome our new Patricia overlord, and my hope for the future is that per her proclivities for articles, we get a lot more sexy articles trending on Kotaku in the near future. I personally am always fascinated and entertained in extremis when writers illuminate topics that are videogame relevant, but Read more

Awesome, welcome. Looking forward to your tenure. Read more