Patricia Hernandez's discussions

Patricia Hernandez
Kotaku's EIC. Beats: internet culture, gaming communities, fandom, Pokémon, and Nintendo. When not at a computer, typically boxing or reading.

lmao yes sorry i was so excited that i didn’t fully flesh that out. i agree that it seems likely they’ll want to tie this to mando somehow, because the timelines are similar + yeah it’s weird that she’s a girl yet is considered an unaltered clone. would fit neatly with the grogu stuff. but, you know, more often than Read more

okay SPECULATION TIME do we think it’s possible that Omega may be force sensitive? we never get told what her power is, exactly--or at least, she is obviously smart, but that seems to be tech’s thing. so i’m theorizing that she might have something else going on that we haven’t seen yet. it could explain why she’s Read more

Oh I remember the broad story. And unobtanium is pretty hard to forget. But I also just think it’s funny that, for all the dollars and eyeballs involved, the product is so eh that many people can’t even tell you the protag’s name Read more