Tina Amini's saved articles

Tina Amini

It was back in late BC I think, on my first character (Orc Hunter). I just hit level 30 but I didn't have the money for a mount. I was doing random quests for Nesingwary in Stranglethorn Vale when I had my first real experiences of world PvP. I was heading back to Nesingwary to turn in my most recent batch of those Read more

New Years Eve Party one year in the canyon between Dun Morogh and Lock Modan, our entire guild got dressed up in whatever crazy gear they had...as a Rogue I dressed all in Solstice Gear, looking more like a mage...etc. We all brought fireworks, kegs, part platters etc. Dancing showing off mounts, general frivolity. It Read more

best time I had was being the sole scepter holder of a PvP server during the Ahn'Qiraj event. We were able to do the 5 hour BWL run on our second full clear ever. Everywhere I was turned into a war zone at that point. Horde guilds would try to wipe us on world events to buy time until their top guild could do the BWL Read more

My favorite time hands-down was when I got my Warlock Felsteed mount. This was back in vanilla where amassing the gold to buy a normal mount took eons, and I was rooming with a bunch of college friends who all played WoW. Read more

Oh man, i remember the first time i went to fought Illidan. It was a saturday in the night, i broke my arm that month and i couldn't go out, mostly cause it was raining, my friends went to a party so i decide to raid as hard as i can.
It took us all night to make our way to Illidan, and when we finally got there, Read more

So back in old school vanilla WoW, you had to pay an escalating cost to respec. The more you did it, the more it cost (usually doubling) each time. Read more

I have 3. I come from Venture Co US, a hardcore WPVP-RP server where huge wars have been waged and recorded on our wiki. We even have a server motto. We were the best WPVP server in WoW, but it's dead now that Cata fucked up WPVP by adding flying and phasing to the old world. WoW's not fun anymore so I mostly just Read more

Just got done spanking alliance in Wintergrasp. I was flying back to Icecrown to continue my farming runs. I landed on the cliffs on my way to mine a titanium node. Alliance paladin was camping it. He had me out geared and took me by surprise. after a few minuets of fighting it became apparent I would not win. Read more

That bugged DoT from that one Zul'Gurub instance where if someone had it during the run and teleported back to a city (basically Ironforge) it would spread to other players when they died. The whole city was wiped out in that epidemic. Read more

My guild was doing Vael in BWL. I was a tank. For those that don't remember: Vael required a tank rotation, because after a short amount of time she would cast Burning Adrenaline. Which would dramatically increase damage taken, as well as remove all cast times. Eventually you would simply die. With Shield Wall Read more

That's easy for me. Back in WotLK, my guild was server firsting a lot of stuff. 25 Yogg 0 helpers, 25 Algalon, Realm First Grand Crusader. The works. Except that 25 Hard Mode Lich King was still up for grabs. At this point, there was a power struggle for the guild between the old veterans and the people who came in Read more

Mine was during a random hour or so of questing through an area in Burning Crusade as a draenei paladin. I was clearing some camps of enemies when I accidentally aggravated three large mobs into attacking me. I figured I was screwed, and I fought a retreating battle through the enemy camp and into the woods, Read more

Best moment for me was our first Lich King 25-man server first heroic kill. We had been attempting to take him down for months until one fateful attempt. Read more

One of my favourite WoW memories was back in Burning Crusade when I was playing a Resto Shaman, The Isle of Quel'Danas had just unlocked and I had joined a group to try and tackle the freshly opened Magister's Terrace. This place was really tough for just normal mode, comparable to a lot of heroic dungeons (and this Read more

There's a bit of a back story here. Feel free to skip the following and start at the next single line. Read more

One of my favorite WoW moments came when I got into a random raid to go kill all of the Alliance world leaders so we could get the achievement and the war bear mount that came with it. Read more

My favorite moment still brings warm to my heart.
I'm a fan from warcraft 2, back in my childhood, so wow was always a big dream come true for me. It was around feb 2006, I had just bought wow and was leveling my Night Elf druid when I frist came across the Darkshore. It was magic, I spend days swiming through that Read more

On launch I was a night elf, so we were all very far away from the rest of the Alliance. At one point people in the local chat were all very excited as someone had seen a naked gnome running about our starting zones. Lots of us would chase that gnome, it was the first character not of our species we saw. Read more

Blood tank. Cataclysm. Firelands. It's our last pull for the night. Boss is down to 7 percent. Bam, down go the healers. "Gah.. wipe it up, guys." Don't give up. I still have cooldowns. 6 percent - the DPS are gone. "Okay, wipe it up." Other tank's gone, but we're at 5%. Guild lead: "C'mon, Kirre, just wipe so we can Read more