Tina Amini's saved articles

Tina Amini

Technically, Blizzard never announced their long-in-development MMORPG Titan. It was always one of those big open

A little late to the party, but here's mine.

Bah. Haters gonna hate. Love the view, Tina. Read more

Man. Lots of whiners on Kotaku these days. I think it's a sweet pic, and the attention that this massive game is getting is appropriate. It just came out a couple weeks ago. In a couple months there will be coverage on lots of other new games. And all the while you guys will bring my attention to lots of smaller Read more

You'd think every Destiny article was a game of League of Legends, what with the general toxicity of the comments. Read more

No we are fine flooding everyone's feeds and websites with a bloody MMO that is actually a ton of fun even if it is flawed. Sorry you don't like what we like though. Read more


I'm pretty sure she's a female of some sort sitting on the railing. Read more


Ha I also took a pic the other day while playing and have it as my wallpaper

Holy Shit, are you me? I did the exact same thing on the 18th

Posted this a few days ago on FB.

That's not really a thing that can happen though. The only gametype that allows you to end up opposite people in your party is Rumble, the free for all.

Check your skepticism at the door. Read more

This game has better 3rd person gameplay (Tower) than most 3rd person games I've played. Read more

Thanks for this article. I've yet to receive one purple engram as a level 21 (almost 22) Warlock. Now my expectations will be severly managed. Read more

I think I speak for everyone when I say, "Fuck the engram system." I got two purples and a blue yesterday. Went to get them decoded and I got two blue equipment and one of the purple engrams gave me a green class item... Read more

This somehow seems wrong. Its like picking up a legendary in Diablo only to have it change into a rare after identifying it. And that would happen roughly 2/3 of the times that you get an unidentified legendary. Granted Diablo legendary items probably drop less often then purple engrams, but the feeling from getting Read more