Peter Tieryas's saved articles

Peter Tieryas
Peter Tieryas is the author of Mecha Samurai Empire & Cyber Shogun Revolution (Penguin RH). He's written for Kotaku, IGN, & Verge. He was an artist at Sony Pictures & Technical Writer for LucasArts.

I own that! It’s really pretty, but I found the randomness of it rough. I feel like the end has very little to do with the whole rest of the game in a way that made it frustrating to play. There are single-player rules I keep meaning to check out, I wonder if they make it a bit more steady. Read more

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux releases on the 3DS on May 15. A remake of the 2010 JRPG dungeon-crawler on the DS, Strange Journey Redux will add some new story beats as well as a new character, Alex. While 2018 will probably mark the end of the 3DS, so far it still has some solid games headed its way.
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This two guys were the first for me, fortunately I still have the cartridges.

Atari Space Invaders was my first game. Got it Christmas morning (along with the Atari 2600 for my brothers and I) 1977. My brothers got Combat (or maybe that came with it) and Night Driver. All of us wanted to play Space Invaders and being that I was the youngest, it helped that it was my gift since I never would Read more

I easily put in hundreds of hours on that original Sid Meier’s Pirates! Loved that game! I no longer have the original, but I do still have the remake that came out like 15 years ago, and I play it from time to time. My kids play it now too! Read more

The first game that was truly mine was Star Wars The Arcade Game for the Atari 2600. 1983 I believe it was, 7 years old, playing on my parents’ boxy, faux-wood looking Atari console. I ended up having all three Star Wars games and the Jedi Arena game as well! Read more

The first game I had would’ve been either SMB/Duck Hunt or Cool Spot. We got the NES and the latter game the same day. I can’t rember which one I played first.

The first one I remember seeing was some oddball game on the Atari. Not a common one, but my parents had a 2600.

The first games that was exclusively mine were Read more

Holey Moley I forgot about this game. Even as a kid I remember thinking it was an odd one. Read more

I think my first game was Gizmos and Gadgets. It’s possible there might have been a Disney tie-in game before that, but I don’t remember it. Read more

I can’t remember the first game I had, I always remember having Mario/Duckhunt, Ninja Gaiden, and a few other NES games. The first game I remember getting was Fish Dude for Gameboy. I was probably 4 or 5, and my mom took me to a used game store and asked which one I wanted. I probably chose it because of the art on Read more

The first game I ever picked out for myself was “Renegade” for NES.
It served as my Double Dragon before Double Dragon was released the next year. Read more

Letter-Go-Round was incredible on the Commodore 64 lol. Read more

I think GumShoe was made with the assumption everyone would just hold the gun right up to the TV like everyone did. I would LOVE to see a speedrun of the game with someone actually standing a couple feet back and pulling it off. I think it would be impossible. Read more