Patricia Hernandez's saved articles

Patricia Hernandez
Deputy editor.

Yeah hyped for this one! Gameplay looks so smooth and the look and feel of the game is amazing. Arc System Works is doing great. Here is hoping for Brolly. Read more

Never watched any of the cartoons, but this looks pretty spectacular. I’m very very interested in getting this. Maybe it will convince me to some day watch the show. Read more

That’s just, better than the anime, imho. Read more

You’ve got lots of people pretending the earth is flat, or alleging that the moon landing was fake in the chat. Read more

i spammed C H E M T R A I L S in twitch TWICE and got banned. theyre on their game. Read more

Pfffft these same little air-freshener-huffers are doing the same thing at the PBS livestream on Youtube. Flat Earth, Ow My Eye, It’s A Sign Of God’s Wrath, There Is No God, etc. etc. C’mon, bitches, with the infinite diversity of humanity this is all you’ve got? Think outside the box, fachrissakes! Read more

That talk of scratching things around the mid-point... I had a phone for like 8 months... and then... one little nick to the screen... and then... by the end of week...

Happy you ladies got your own podcast. Literally didn’t know until now but will subscribe. Also when we getting a Fave/Splitscreen Defenders-esque cross over? Who is Iron-Fist? Read more

It’s just a shame that they botched the online side of things again. It’s sad that they actually took a step backward from the Wii U in this key area. Literally the only complaint I have about the Switch. Friend codes should go and be replaced with unique IDs (which already exist). They should then proceed with Read more

Best “& Knuckles” combinations go!

In a parallel universe, he is making tons of commentated videos. Too bad we can never generate the necessary speed to cross the QPUs to see them. Read more

Being an artist is hard. You have to care about what those who consume your art think, in that you are making something that is being consumed by them. On the other hand, you have to not care what they think or you’ll drown in their judgment, disappointment and constant demands. I don’t have it in me to be to be Read more

The new update is incredible. I actually liked the game enough as just a simple exploration game right after release, but they’ve really brought it up to its full potential more or less. (If they could add slightly better MP to where you can actually join up with a friend or three and explore together, it would be Read more

Patricia, are you a psychic? Just today I was thinking you and Gita should have a podcast too. Read more

Congrats Patricia and glad to see Gita casting again! I was a regular Match-3 listener and was really sad to see it go. Read more