Patricia Hernandez's saved articles

Patricia Hernandez
Deputy editor.

I was honored to have Patricia on the team all these years and will miss her a great deal. In announcing her departure to the team, I tried to sum up what a great talent she’s been, and I wanted to share that here, publicly, with Kotaku readers as well: Read more

I didn’t always agree with you. Hell, there were a few times where I vehemently dissented with every fiber of my being. Read more

Going to miss your writing. I’ll follow you on twitter to see where you go next. Thanks for keeping me entertained and informed.

Also, how dare you leave us. Jilted pikachu is jilted.

*reads the first sentence

This is an interesting dynamic, as it will allow you to largely negate speed builders when it is a race off to who can get to higher ground first—something I personally really need as a I suck as build-offs. I like that it has a cooldown and fall damage is intact to make it a calculated risk to use. Read more

This is a screenshot of the Japanese under Blastoise in the image, which Google tells me is カラパジオ, which as someone who doesn’t know Japanese looks right? Google translates that to “Carapazio,” which is nonsense, but searching the Japanese autocorrects to Caravaggio, which is in reference to the 16th century Italian

I remember seeing a collection of other unused Pokemon designs and noted that several of them looked like Gen 3 monsters (the generation where people claim the designs started to get a bit too abstract/crazy). Read more

I love this! It reminds me of the greatest A.I. traffic crashes that can be found in Las Venturas of GTA San Andreas.
I would go over a friend’s house, order some tacos, and for hours we’d watch the most insane car crashes done by the NPC’s, and all it took was one stopped car. Firemen would show up and they’d get run Read more

Now playing

There’s a similar section of highway in Crackdown where the AI drive like total maniacs. Apologies for the quality, it was a long time ago.

It looks like it has less to do with speed and control and more to do with all of them turning too early and hitting that curb, like they think the road is somewhere it isn’t for a second. Read more

I love seeing maps/sets evolve like this. Reminds me of how the lobby of Splatoon changes leading up to and during Splatfests, but expanded to a point that is actual gameplay which you obviously will interact with. Read more


Fortnite has clearly become one of those games like Rocket League or Minecraft, where the developer only really has to focus on this one game for the rest of their existence. They can constantly add, alter, expand, and just keep the game breathing and alive as long as the playerbase continues to stay as strong as it Read more

As I understand it (and, admittedly, I understand it more than I want to), some of the backlash is from fans of another popular streamer, TSM Myth. Ninja has said he doesn’t play with Myth as much since his new policy, as Myth doesn’t have the same vocabulary restrictions as Ninja. Myth’s fans are calling him a Read more

I think his reasoning for toning it down is fair. It’s nice, if a bit unusual, for a streamer to realize that his actions and mannerisms can effect how a lot of kids act, and adjust his stream to be more of a positive influence.
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I was saddened that claiming the gauntlet didn’t boot half the players from the match...
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gauntlet drops and can be picked up, once picked up, the new player with the gauntlet becomes thanos. Repeat until there’s only 1 alive. Read more