Great article! Read more
Sounds like a fun social experiment. Read more
Solution: just like in real life, gentrify that original run down neighborhood, jack up the price of the apartments there, and flush the low income folks out.
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I don’t know anything about this guy, but all I can say is, when your a professional, you better act professionally. If you make someone uncomfortable in your industry(regardless if it’s flirting, sexual harassment, falling outs, fights, etc) it can and will nip you in the ass.
And I get that it’s one of those things… Read more
When I first heard the news, I was under the impression that this was related to a singular incident that the higher ups at Polygon were investigating. That lead me to a Neogaf thread where I saw it was a MUCH more widespread issue, to the point that his other podcast cohosts have cut ties with him. I want to believe… Read more
RIP CoolGamesInc. My absolute favorite podcast. Read more
So... I am pretty sure that the stuff that went down was not anywhere close to flirting. Read more
Zecmo isn’t just one of the best Pokemon Go players. He’s also one of the best Towerfall players in the world:
My one and only thought was, “Oh look. Another digital card game that will inevitably rip-off existing digital card games.” It’s impossible to get excited about a digital card game these days, as they are all so similar. Sure, some of them add in little innovations here and there, but they are almost all based on… Read more
If you want to make a game in 2017 it better be either
A. A card game
B. Team based shooter with MOBA elements
C. A Souls clone
This is getting old. Read more
It’s fascinating to see a game where character design is so important, I wonder how Marina would do against Marie. I wonder how Pearl does in Japan alone, I wonder what is the least ammount of changes you could do to Pearl to balance the system, could dialogue alone fix it? so many questions. Read more