Patricia Hernandez's saved articles

Patricia Hernandez
Deputy editor.

I gotta say, I totally agree with this assessment. At first I was pretty annoyed that it wasn’t available 24/7, but I’ve since come around on that, and pretty much for all the exact same reasons as the ones in this article. Read more

I think it’s kind of neat, too. Like, I got excited when I finally got to try it the other day.
Being on a schedule like this really does make it feel like you’re doing temp work. The whole aesthetic of the thing is.....weird. You talk to a statue in a weird office, go to a weird island and fight weird mutated salmon Read more

I’d be fine with it as long as the weapons are always balanced. There was a timeframe a few days ago where the loadouts were all melee weapons and one other shitty gun, the shotgun one I think that sucks and pauses before it lets you go into Squid mode. Read more

I think part of this is how much (or little) their schedule works with yours. If you tend to have time to play the modes or check the things when they let you, it’s fine. Enthralling, even. But when you barely have any time to play video games and Splatoon 2 is telling you that you can’t right then, I imagine it would Read more

Got the game at launch. Still haven’t been able to try Salmon Run. Stars just haven’t aligned for my schedule yet. :-(
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Did much better in this tournament then I thought. Pretty much always led with Prankster Whimscott and Protean Greninja, but it was fun having Pokemon like Yanmega being viable! One of my Gen 7 loves, Tsareena, got some mileage too, cripling opponents with her Trop Kick! Read more

This tournament was honestly pretty awesome. It allowed a lot of unusual Pokemon to get some use and attention and because it was so new, it was super fun to watch! I hope they do more with strange restrictions like this. Read more

Not to mention that Whimsicott’s Prankster ability basically gives its Nature Power a priority Tri-Attack! Read more

You could say their strategy was to stay Rock steady. Read more

No ethernet port and they have the gall to charge $90 for this...

This is very, very true. The worst part about disconnects from Splatoon 2 is losing a ticket credit (i.e. 1 out of the 20 post-game boosts) because of something that is completely not your fault. Whenever I use the adapter, this is not a concern. Read more

Mayo can’t possibly win, because no matter how far behind its opponent gets, in the end, it will inevitably find a way to ketchup.
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I wonder if Japan is aware that not everybody has decent mayo like they do, much less easy access to an asian supermarket in their area:

Chuckled at this post. “When you and your homie pick the same splatfest team”

Mayo is disgusting. That gremlin would be repping it. Read more