Patricia Hernandez's saved articles

Patricia Hernandez
Deputy editor.

Very lucky to have caught an Articuno, but even more lucky to find the 7 people required to take it down in the first place. This was in Amsterdam. Read more

I live in a densely populated area, and have seen exactly 0 people at raids. Pretty discouraging. Not even sure what the point of having this event was. Oh yeah, to get people to spend money on raid passes. Read more

As anyone who has attended an event with tens of thousands of people will tell you (a sporting event for example) cell service is questionable at very best, this should have been expected. Read more

I don’t know why anyone expected any better. Read more

A year ago the servers were terrible and it’s kind of ironic that a year later they are still having trouble. I feel like the people who stayed home to play are gonna get more out of this. Read more

I am so excited that this game is for real also about fatherhood. I love games that can handle taking an off-the-walk concept and mining it for emotion. Something that can be goofy and serious in turn. Read more

Do I get to play a Discipline Daddy?

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Pokémon players have history of not being able to complete world challenges. Read more

Some Rhydons work well. But a lot of us have Rhydons with movesets that don’t worth well. My Rock Smash/Megahorn Rhydon is great for gym breaking, but it’s going to be crap for Legendary hunting (particularly Moltres and Ho-oh). Mud Slap/Stone Edge is somewhat useable, though. Read more

A while later, I was in the bathroom—and this is embarrassing—I was trying to pull down [Donkey Kong 64 designer] George Andreas’ trousers for a joke. I was on my knees and I looked up to see Miyamoto staring down at me.

Just like Bob Ross taught us

I try to do my part. I’m the kind of person that regularly and mercilessly calls people out in person whenever they are being an asshole and it’s quite effective. I have a low tolerance for bullshit.

However, over voice chat these sexist f##ktwads hardly give a shit. I usually get a few ‘thank you’s from female Read more

Online games need a stronger report system. While I have witnessed harassment, and had some thrown my way (nothing like I’m sure Women receive on a daily), I will typically stay silent, BUT always ALWAYS report the person for being toxic, and put in that “this is why I refuse to recommend people play your games” in Read more

Guys, don’t be

I agree with the idea of being an ally in these situations (ones that pop up far too often), but I am also worried that chiming into these scenarios with jackasses online will just result in more aggravation and shouting matches with them. If they’re already big enough tools to behave this way at the outset, I doubt Read more

Protip: if you have ever written or said the following phrases or something similar in regards to online harassment: Read more

I bet this is all leading up to an update where Octarians will be playable. Read more