Patricia Hernandez's discussions

Patricia Hernandez
Deputy editor.

Also worth noting: I left out many of the ones that have been traditionally brutal, and likely even missed some given the amount of text I was skimming, so this is just a smaller slice. Read more

I help with story selection a whole lot as well, so really, it’s like you’re subliminally getting a whole lot more from me. Read more

In the video it says that Missingno makes your bag heavier, so presumably. Read more

That gets name-dropped in the first episode of Tulpa Effect, so may be totally up your alley. Read more

You know what, I don’t know why I never interpreted that scenery as ‘this is the inside of a Pokeball’ it’s more like an apartment in that case I guess. Read more

To clarify, I listen to everything while on a computer on YouTube. When out and about, like on a subway, it’s all bought stuff from iTunes. I pay for Apple Music although I still end up buying a bunch of tracks from outside of that Read more

If you want to slam Kotaku for something it should be our slowness in reporting some of this stuff. The reason it seems like ‘its up on Kotaku and then it’s gone right away’ is because we’re often covering it at the tail end of when it makes the rounds. Uranium’s finished game, for example, was pretty much on every Read more

This is pretty ridiculous. A lot of the times the creators of the fan games send us the games themselves, asking for coverage. Sometimes, the games are broadcast/publicized on platforms that have like ten times our traffic, and we cover them after they’ve made the rounds on the internet and therefore became ‘news’. I Read more

I did ask that and was told that they moved away from the rival as nemesis in the last games, so that was nothing new. Read more

I didn’t really like Judgement. If you liked the main games, you’ll like this too. Read more

They’re Locust 2.0. The game renames them as “Swarm” but it’s basically Locusts + crystals. Read more

I’ve heard multiple things. People disliking what she looked like. People disliking that you only get to see her through the picture and not the scene after so much anticipation. The fact it’s not really a scene in the way the other ones are (you see more with other squadmates.) My impression was that Tali was a Read more