Patricia Hernandez's discussions

Patricia Hernandez
Deputy editor.

We write about the intersection of sex and video games. We’ve written about sex machinima in the past, which is pretty much just digital porn, so I think actual porn of video games falls within the wheelhouse too - that’s what machinima is simulating, after all. Read more

Well I mean, he only used the Rattata for that last battle. The headline doesn’t say defeated the Elite Four with the Rattata, it specifies just the champion. He used other Pokemon for the other battles. Read more

I’d say the plot thickens, do the stealth boys explain the invincibility? Or did the radiation also give them super human strength, lol Read more

If you read the story, you’ll see that waypoint markers started getting borked through the course of his journey. Before the halfway mark he told this to me, for example: Read more

I’ll try to do articles when possible, but since we did an article on some aspects of Sun and Moon theories earlier, another full-on article seemed like overkill! Read more

I can see why they didn’t do it: so many of the Pokemon end up leaking anyway, they might as well control how they get out there... Read more

Since I’m basically an unstoppable god at this point, it hurts my character way more to have Preston disappointed in me than it does having him shoot me. Read more

You’ve had him attack you? In this footage he attacks the raider coming in...I haven’t taken any settlements on my playthrough yet, so I haven’t seen any of this, just Preston disapproving of smaller choices. Read more

That’s what I believe too, though as DeFranco outlines, he believes it is censorship because people who make a living at this stuff might find that their content can no longer sustain them, which in turn might lead people to make less content. Still feels like stretching the definition though since the platform itself Read more

You might be wondering, why in the world is this column called ‘Come yourself to death’? Well, there’s a sex game where that can indeed happen. I’m hoping that AM writes about it eventually. Read more

There will def be a stream tomorrow on our Facebook Live, then likely re-uploaded / posted to our YouTube. Read more

There have been reports that Pokemon run away more easily now, but in this case, they couldn’t catch anything for hours, period. Read more