Patricia Hernandez's discussions

Patricia Hernandez
Deputy editor.

Yeah, I would have linked the popular Skyrim video that made the rounds but it was taken down! Alas. Read more

Would you settle for “entertaining”? By the end of it he’s at very little health, so I wouldn’t say it was easy mode per se. But if nothing else, I found it funny. Read more

I don’t know that they continue afterward, but there’s no good justification for why they happened (FEV, as I understand it, but that sucks! Why in the world is that still a thing, even??). That said, it’s do come across synths actively trying to replace their human counterparts, which basically Read more

To be fair, this is pretty silly. On the other hand, this is video games, so if we’re not having some fun with what we cover every once in a while, we’re doing it wrong! Read more

To be clear, I’m calling it that because that’s the accepted nomenclature for these devices, despite being misleading. Unfortunate, though! Read more

It was pretty fun in other Fallouts! Made role-playing easier, because you could play all sorts of different types of characters with different approaches. One of those includes killing everyone, which is perfectly viable and fun in its own right, it’s just not the only way the series itself has handled stuff in the Read more

Now playing

I didn’t fit this into the story, but here’s another example of Fallout going ???? when you try to turn scripted violent events into peaceful ones. It doesn’t have anything programmed to deal with the possibility of peace lmfao

brb writing “actually, you should just keep your video game gifts this Christmas, fuck it.” Read more

Yeah I get that concern. On the other hand, I feel like anyone getting a console for Christmas should feel lucky for the privilege...I’d find it hard to be a shit about an “open” present I can still return! Read more

it’s pretty cool that video games now have their own version of the blair witch project Read more

Wow, consider yourself lucky. Rad storms are the worst! (I’m exaggerating, but they’re pretty annoying.) Read more

I hear lots is going down in that scene, but haven’t dived in because I know the average person can’t/won’t check that stuff out yet—VR isn’t mainstream enough yet. Read more