Owen Good's posts

Owen Good
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EA Sports UFC in May? Brian Hayes of EA Canada, developer of EA Sports UFC just said the game is "about nine months away from release." That would mean the mixed-martial arts title would be due for a May 2014 launch. So far, EA Sports has said only Spring 2014. A first look at gameplay was shown at Gamescom 2013.

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Command & Conquer: Episodic, story driven missions will be coming to Command and Conquer next year, Victory Games said on stage today at Gamescom. The missions may be played alone or cooperatively.

Adios, Zune: Friendly reminder that, as of Aug. 22, the Zune Marketplace will shut down on Xbox Live, as part of the conversion from Microsoft points to local currency. If you've got Microsoft points, they won't be usable there anymore, in other words. More information is in this FAQ. Read more

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Infinite Possibility: Luke Ritson, the guy behind impressive alternative trailers for The Walking Dead and Halo 4, now brings us this—a hype reel for BioShock Infinite if 2K Games was willing to pay the freight for a Johnny Cash song. The usual spoiler alerts are in force for those who haven't completed the game.

Free Games: For Xbox Live Gold subscribers, 2010's Dead Rising 2 and its DLC prequel Case Zero are both free, under the Games With Gold promotion. They'll be available until the end of the month. Read more