Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

You’d be surprised where sound effects come from. The eerie spacey noise that accompanied the title in Mass Effect 1 trailers was made with a garbage can and a tree branch.
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I’m stupidly curious about what type of beer they used, lol. Read more

Out of all the coverage, media, articles that cover this game...for some reason this makes me want to get it the most. Beer...cause of and solution to all of lifes problems, oh Simpsons you were so wise.
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I can’t help but laugh when I clicked on these links shown in the article. It’s just funny, the animations are all not quite there. The voice acting in the Tracer video was brilliant in an awful, funny way. Read more

God fucking damn it! Look at this! “Top Countries Searching for Overwatch” and is any of them America? NO! NOT ONE! Read more

OK but the real question is why pretty much ALLL the overwatch porn is futa. Read more

Minecraft porn? People are searching for Minecraft porn? I should not be, and yet I am surprised.
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Here is a screenshot of the logic chains for leveling up, giving you your Lvl appropriate loadout and the Ult system. I’m already hitting more than half of my memory just for the scripting logic alone.

Easily my favorite part of shadows of mordor. Should be in almost every single player game. Read more

Running with Rifles has always been one of my favorite indie titles, even during development. There is something special about being a lesser part of the whole, rather than the “chosen one” as so many other games would have you be. Glad to see it is still getting love. Read more

I have walked Geralt back to his resting place, in meditation beneath the window in Yen’s apartment in Kaer Morhen, twice now. Each time, before quitting, I would stare out the window, brimming with nostalgia of the mad adventure I had gone on that was now at an end. This’ll be the last, and I’m already tearing a Read more

Wouldn’t the more obvious solution to this mod be that instead of marrying her, you would adopt her or something? That might require a bit more modding and changes to the source code, but this guy already wrote a bunch of new events and tampered around with the code. Read more

tbh this is more like how I’d use a grappling hook in real life. ‘oh jeez, that book is really high up on that shelf. WAIT A MINUTE I HAVE AN IDEA’ Read more

Grappling hooks, fuck yeah

Still one of my favourite bands/albums ever. They remind me a bit of what Glassjaw and Refused did. Can’t wait for the new record! Read more

Good for numerous reasons. the feedback to the mode they did have was mostly negative and they are not afraid to fix it if it is broken. Read more