Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

Screw this. Their product is less offensive then half the stuff sports sponsors usually peddle. At least they're honest about their product. Read more

A long thick road ahead of them. Read more

I tend to not gravitate towards weapon skins that have some of design on them in in games and generally prefer simple re-coloring of parts at the most. Extravagant weapon skins, or even weapon skins in general, have never really appealed to me. Read more

How... about a gun that looks like a driver’s license, and the more worn looks have more “punches”. Read more

When this new wave of VR started becoming a reality, home design and architecture were my first thoughts. I imagine being able to “tour” a building before it’s built (down to the placement/design of furniture) is going to be a very real thing very soon. Read more

IKEA would be perfect for Augmented Reality, especially if it could generate up to scale hologram/image. Read more

It’s really an impressive strategy they’ve figured out. Piss off and annoy opponents into making mistakes and getting tired. They also throw lots of little jabs that don’t really hurt, but destroy your rhythm and shut down your offense. Then when you try to just walk through the jabs, they bring the power. Read more

Jack Slack, as mentioned, provides great insight into why the slap is more effective than it looks, but the most important IMHO is the fact that the slap adds a ton of reach to a hook at the expense of power. Read more

I’m thinking of doing some actual real life archery soon. I can’t imagine doing much better than this Read more

Dammit Grayson! Now I have another game I have to add to my day 1 acquisitions. This is very close to what I’ve been thinking would be a great use of room scale VR. To take a game like Sherlock Holmes and have you explore a crime scene for clues in virtual space, but have it be clever, like you have to lift the sheet Read more

How awesome/terrible would it be if a soldier who gets multiple Shaken results has the chance to defect, and show up leading the occasional alien force. Read more

This would promote you from actually maintaining a steady squad instead of just swapping out guys as needed. It also makes it hurt even more to lose someone. Read more

You can skip the boss cutscenes! It’s just you have to press E to do so and that’s complete unintuitive for some reason. Read more