Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

It’s a game about patriotism, made by a Japanese developer, and it never came to the US (except on an OXM demo disc). And if you import it, you need a Japanese Xbox or a hacked NTSC console to remove region locks. Read more

A presidential candidate should make ‘making Metal Wolf Chaos available to all American citizens’ his party platform. Read more

Hehehe. She eats the machismo stuff up. I had no idea she was even a gamer until recently when we reconnected online (we live on opposite sides of the Earth, completely separate lives to the extent we didn’t even know each others’ kids names for years). Turns out she likes playing as male characters and the extremity Read more

Broforce is fantastic. They really nail the flow and the challenge is just right for coop between players with disparate skills. I picked it up a few months ago to play with my sister and it’s not only the best, most developed, most functional Early Access game I’ve ever bought, it’s one of my favorite PC games Read more

I don’t know if I would say this is the biggest fight in UFC history. Or even the most hyped to be honest. Read more

Isn’t this the best possible option? Aldo is injured and, had the fight happened, we all would have known it. McGregor (despite claims that he wouldn’t have) may have targeted that area. And if Aldo lost? there would always be an asterisk next to that. Now we get to see McGregor really tested. How did he get the Read more

By grouping a bunch of minor things together, they get to push a major update that gets people talking about the game again and making it feel as fresh as a new one. Read more

Sadly, the only part of this update that has me interested is the weapon balancing. Read more

My Fiona shot Felix, for that totally shitty betrayal. I didn’t buy the ‘I’m teaching you a lesson about not trusting anyone!! I’m betraying you to help you!!’ shit. After having Fiona shoot Felix, I felt like I couldn’t deny Athena her revenge - especially when she put it like ‘what if they’d had you kill your Read more

I tried to shoot her, but I might have misclicked.

I also told Athena to kill Cassius. Yes, he wasn’t directly responsible, but after what Athena has been through I wasn’t going to try to make that choice for her. However, since I waited until the last second to make my choice, I heard Gortys say “I’M Atlas, too! Am I Read more

The people who killed loader bot are basically worthless. I mean, not only do find it hard to imagine some of these scenes working without him...he’s Loader Bot.
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Awesome. I’ve actually taught “Red Hands” alongside Othello in my Art of Literature class. I know it’s part of the larger narrative but they work so well together! It’s like a sung version of act V, scene ii! Read more

My fiancée’s favorite band. One of mine as well, but she is just craaaazy about them. :) Read more

Cursive, Mother Mother, Paper Rival, Lovedrug, Margot and The Nuclear So and So’s, Forgive Durden, The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger, Group Love, Kurt Vile, Melpo Mene, and Manchester Orchestra. I’m coreydwillis on Spotify if you want to add me. :-)
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I... was not expecting to see this on Kotaku! TDH is my favorite band. :-D
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DUDE!!!!! YOU’RE INTO THE DEAR HUNTER???!?!! Read more