Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

He probably killed several crew members off-set just to “stay in character”. Man is a method acting genius. Read more

they said all songs will transfer up, as long as you’re on the same console family Read more

Woah, that’s soon! Is there any more info about importing past DLC purchases and libraries? Read more

ok but where’s my freestyle singing Read more

I just requested a refund on Two Worlds II. I paid a whole $2.49 for it, including the Pirates DLC. Read more

I wish I could refund Spore (I might still try it seeing as apparently the 2 weeks thing doesn’t seem written in stone yet for a number of people). I bought it on a sale, and a day later they announced that they weren’t going to support the online functionalities of it anymore. Read more

The day before Steam refunds were announced, I bit the apprehensive bullet and purchased Lego Worlds. The first and most glaring flaw to me was the UI design. It doesn’t work well with keyboard + mouse or a controller. I was able to see passed that and enjoyed the “proof of concept” that lasted about 45 minuted until Read more

Killing Floor 2, I got it when it released, played it for 90 minutes, and haven’t played it since. I got a refund 2 hours after I sent in the request. I never expected to get a refund, I only did it as a test, as the game goes well past the 14 day period. It was my most regrettable purchase in the past several months, Read more

I haven’t requested a Steam refund, because I base all my purchases on Kotaku reviews.

I started refunding with ARK, I bought it out of the blue and just simply wasn’t ready yet to be played as I hoped. The refund took around 2 days before it got accepted. Read more

I don’t have a Credit card so I just have my friend buy me stuff and I pay him back in real life. Since I accept them from him as gifts, you can’t refund those. Which is fine since I put a do a lot of thought and research before buying anything on Steam. Just happy that people can refund games now. Read more

Hyper Dimension Neptunia 2. It was in the top sellers list and everyone talked about it being a grind fest. I was looking for something mindless that took up a lot of my time. It took a half hour to get to any gameplay at all and then the explanation of how to battle was screen after screen of mind-numbing made up Read more

I tried to get my money back for AC:Unity, even though I knew it was way past the 14 days limit (and I had more than 2 hours in the game, that I spent trying to make the d*mn thing work properly). I knew I would never get it, but I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror again if I hadn’t tried. Read more