Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

Protip: Shaving a nervous alpaca is a quick way to get the Sandwich of Ancient Love. Except when it's not. Which is most of the time. Read more

Pro-tip: Set the viewer mode to First Person and the walking speed to 1 or 2. Use arrows and drag the view with your mouse to move/look around. Now explore the mansion!

You're welcome. Read more

The Jill sandwich reference, OMG!

Because they thought they could get away with it. Read more


While the fnatic overpass match was very unfair, it was still a great match to watch! I went just as crazy as the casters when they pulled that spot. Read more

Why would someone use an exploit to win? Yes, lots of money on the line. Yes, pride. But come on! Don't exploit the game to gain unfair advantages. Just because it exists doesn't mean you should make use of it. Finance workers have access to millions of dollars - that doesn't mean they can go ahead and steal it Read more

could someone explain to me - out of curiosity, serious question - why the players wear a pair of headphones over their ears for audio and a separate pair around their necks for microphones? Read more

Watching this tournament was stressful and wonderful all at the same time! I tuned in to the Twitch stream at the perfect moment. The game was at halftime, LDLC was holding an amazing 12-3 lead over Fnatic. I couldn't believe it since I never had high hopes for LDLC in the first place.

Then the boost happened. My Read more

Star Wars games could use this lesson. If you're a Dark Side player, you have to be a psychotic bully. You can't be a Palpatine-esque manipulator. Read more

I wonder how high a fall my computer could take? Not trolling, genuinely curious. I have this case:

As the father of many small children, I'm glad to know that they will break before the Xbox does. Read more

It comes out today? I never saw a release date and Steam says 'November'. This is a wonderful surprise! Read more

That was actually a rather serious, endearing character scene, but it also served as a gentle nudge to the ribs of the entire series. And while Tales' first episode has a few more like it, make no mistake: this is a comedy adventure, not a nauseatingly grim tragedy like Walking Dead or, to a lesser extent, Wolf Among Read more

Oh snap....this is quite interesting. Good thing it's not made to play online...I could see the deception. Read more

Can't wait for the underground Amiibo fighting rings. Amiibetting will ruin the lives of thousands of smashers! Read more

Final Destination. No items. Amiibo Fox only.

Speaking of goats... I just saw an eagle carry one off. That seemed a little largish... Read more