Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

It's worth noting that zdoom, gzdoom and anything similar is just a source port of the original, and you still need to actually have the iwad files, i.e. own the game. All of the doom games are relatively cheap on Steam though (or if you want to be a big meanie and ruin our chances for Daikatana 2, there are plenty of Read more

YES! I'm glad this is being shown off! It's a work of art and so fun to play~ Read more

looks like snake's got the best preforming steam box Read more

I held out hoping we'd get a PC version. Looks like I'll be playing this game on Ultra. Read more

I'll likely be getting the games on PC. I decided I'd rather not get the game on a PS3 or 360 when there are better versions out there, and I didn't really have the money to buy a PS4 or XBone, so now that it's going to be on something I already own and use frequently, I see no reason not to get it on that platform. Read more

The best "Can you spot the difference?" puzzle in this scenario, is the one without any differences. Read more

I always love stuff like this, especially in TF2. Makes me almost want to reinstall it. Read more

I loved FC3 and Blood Dragon (as well as the original, but not so much 2), so I bought a new EVGA GeForce GTX 970 Superclocked and picked Far Cry 4 as my freebie. Grabbed the latest Nvidia drivers, set the graphics to NVIDIA (which one assumes is a step up from regular Ultra), and played through the prologue. Read more

Need more open-world games that don't revolve killing everything.
AKA I want Shenmue 3. Read more

Something is missing...

This is actually pretty awesome. Now, it'd really be something if he continued to show up to various tournaments and take first place. However, the main issue would be with fakes if he got too famous. There is honestly no way to tell who is the real Falcomaster. Read more

It's a relief to see that there's some hope that the sex scenes won't be -entirely- goofy (you know, like the oddly clothed shower scene in ME3), still hope the dialogue and related material is more Origins than 2, romance in origin felt natural/organic where as 2 felt extremely scripted in the worst "cheesy porn" way Read more

I'm an indian and no one in India really enforces these laws. They've been around as societal taboo even before the law was really paid any attention to. People still have the freedom to do whatever they want inside the closed doors (outside, most normal activities like kissing are also considered taboo, however Read more

The right eye is looking straight at ya!

Since I was a child, people would refuse to thumb wrestle with me, citing my long and muscular thumbs as an unfair advantage. I'm glad that these fine people have finally given me a chance to finally participate in the exciting world of competitive thumb wrestling. Read more