Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

I feel like the real truth behind these numbers would be, "Only 5% of players continuously exhibit behavior horrible enough to get punished." Read more

5% toxic players is not good. Each game has 10 players. That means, approximately, every 2 games you play, one of them will contain a harassing element. Those aren't acceptable statistics. Read more

"As of 11/13/2014, 95% of active players in 2014 have never received a punishment of any kind. The vast majority of you have not received chat restrictions, ranked restrictions, game bans or permanent bans this year!" Read more

This is probably something they should steal an idea from EQII for. EQII had a model revamp as well and you could choose which model to use on a character-by-character basis. Read more

The only models I was taken aback by were the human females, they really botched those faces. Read more

As someone who grew up with WarCraft 1, 2 and 3 I think it would be wonderful to return to its RTS roots, thats where WarCraft started and thats where it should always be.

That is not to say that WoW hasn't done good things, but in my opinion it expanded so much in the world and lore that I think making an RTS out of Read more

The next expansion is, naturally, in the works already, as is the one after that, to a much smaller degree. Blizzard hopes to fill the gaps between expansions better, too. Shorter waits between major patches, more ways for cow people to wallop wolf-people and whatever-draenei-are people, and so on. For better or Read more

Now playing

Blizzard to finally finish and release Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans

I just really hope they change up the art style some for this. Their standard style will feel... off for GoT to me. I have a suspicion though that it's going to be that same engine and same style with armor and swords. Read more

I modified the monk class in Neverwinter Nights 2 to play as Ryu. Gave him a fireball attack, kick attack and I tried modifying the sounds to make it sound like the street fighter sound effects but I failed. Still was pretty fun to play. Read more

I think I've just found an excuse to whip out my copy of New Vegas Read more

I played it this last weekend, they REALLY need a sprint button, it felt so slow without one :/ Sad to see that they don't consider it a problem Read more

The real question is : Will there be more cool trailers? I'm a sucker for Blizzard CGI. Read more

I'm so glad the shine is off the MMO rose. I have no desire to see Blizzard make anything else into one (and I was in WoW beta and played it through Pandaria ). Read more

"I think us honing what we have now is way more tempting than trying to rethink [the formula]," Martens added. "We're happy with where the game is at, with the understanding that no designer is ever truly happy with a game. We like the direction we've chosen for this. It's way over the top. Those four people probably

I don't see any reason to make Starcraft, Diablo or Overwatch into an MMO. Blizzard now has four major IPs and all in a different area, that means they can choose the talent necessary for each game and give each game a real personality/identity.
There were loads of rumours about "World Of Starcraft" in the past, but Read more

"Hello, Mario. This is Satan. Satan, meet Mario. I'm sure you'll be the best of friends!"
And then this terrifying awesomeness happened. Read more