Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

Am I the only one who thought harry was reaching under snapes arm?

I was gonna replay Fallout 3 for the first time in years.

But then I had to allocate skillpoints. I got stuck, and ended up not playing the game at all! :( Read more

This is why I've spent 20 hour playing the first 5 hours of Divinity: Original Sin 4 times. Read more

I still need to read the entire article, but a quick reply to Phase 3: thats the one i hate the most. That a game forces you to make such ridiculous decisions in the beginning of the game that you revert to online expertise to find out what the "best" way to play the game is. Read more

I'm exactly the same. Pretty much every RPG game I play I'll do the opening 5 hours or so countless times because it HAS to be right.
Lords Of The Fallen landed a couple of days ago and I've barely been able to play it because I want to make sure I'm raiding my bald man correctly. :( Read more

How much blood would you shed to stay alive?

"bizarre, unpleasant world without women"

Sooo...Call of Duty?

...I'll see myself out. Read more

As long as the gameplay is at least half as entertaining as the concept and choices, then this game could be a winner. Read more

I'm always up for more green apocalypses. Maybe they took some cues from Enslaved. The end of the world doesn't have to be depressing! As long as you're not having to resort to cannibalism.

I know how I'd make an Avatar game to make everyone cry. Make it based in a barren part of the spirit world, where a cadre of powerful spirits have taken over, which has echoes in the physical world. By doing small acts to energize the smaller, peaceful spirits, the Avatar gets the strength to challenge the great Read more

An expansive, explorable world: The Avatar world is gigantic, with four major nations (Water, Fire, Earth, and Air) and countless cities, villages, and wildernesses in between. There's still so much of it we never got to see on the show—so many ruins and mountains and cities of glimmering stone left untouched. A game Read more

I'm still baffled that we haven't gotten a Pro Bending sports title. It seems so... obvious. SO obvious. Read more

Speaking of F-Zero (the SNES version), would anyone still play a racing game of that style? Does the flat ground plane look too dated to enjoy the game?