Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

Can you think of any other things that have entirely different utilities in real life versus games? Read more

We should absolutely expect games to work they way they're intended to on day one. That being said however, it's worth giving a shout out to those who fix their products when when they don't work that way, because some devs don't even bother doing that. Read more

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Another good one, him pitching his own idea for Death and Return. Weighs in at 40+ minutes.

Completely wrong generation & name, but correct that the PS2 version was bizarrely censored. Read more

It's funny to think about how relatively recently "fuck" became commonplace in games. Even older GTAs wouldn't cross that line, and now even "soft" M rated games toss it about casually. Read more

Try Beach Head II, back in 1985 on the C-64. You make me laugh when you talk about anything in the 90s breaking any ground. Shoot one of the guys in the beach landing and they clearly say "Fuck". You can mess with the sound settings in game and hear it even clearer. Read more

First game I heard that in was BMXX. I think it was on N64. Funny story, the Playstation one was censored & the Nintendo one wasn't. Read more

Ah, roid damage. Nice to see that the numbers for it are still absolutely insane.

Roid damage made playing a melee-focused Psycho hilarious in Borderlands 2. Read more

This game seems to represent a developer that is trying to push the envelope in a desperate attempt to give their cliched and relatively simplistic/simpleminded game some semblance of publicity without paying much for said publicity.

wow this IS too far! Oh look he just happens to be wearing a trench coat. It's obviously catering to the degenerate trench coat mafia assholes still out there. This is just distasteful. It's like having a game were the protagonist is a klu klux clan member and you hang black people all day. This game just screams to Read more

I semi found an early one where you fight the boss that's fat with the midget on his head. After the fight more midgets keep spawning and I was just chilling there killing them cause they dropped moonstones at a good rate. I was watching t.v too so I kinda got lost on how long and how many I got Read more

150 grand? i better get a potato salad out of this Read more