Sion looks like a cyborg Zangief crossed with Astaroth. Read more
It could be getting a very HIGH Badass rank and or maybe playing it in NG+ if such a mode is officially confirmed. Read more
Reminds me of The Harbinger from Fable 1 that required a good amount of strength to pull it out of the stone. Read more
The Sword In The Stone, 87 bazillion gun moon explosion edition.
Nice, Borderlands 2 was thick with this type of stuff and this is what i hoped Destiny would have. Take notes Bungie. BL:TPS is pretty great and i'm only level 9 right now and i just got my first 2 purples via a moonstone chest. Read more
Hidden no longer. Read more
Pretty much seems to be the general consensus. It's essentially MOAR Borderlands and it will do nothing to persuade those who hate the series to like it and it won't persuade those who like the series to hate it. Read more
I figured it would just be more of the same. Read more
By and large, however, game makers have been content to churn out bland carbon copies of better games coated in the rotten, blood-caked skin suits of familiar series. In no particular order, hello there Aliens: Colonial Marines, Catwoman, Fight Club, most Spider-Man games that aren't Spider-Man 2, most James Bond… Read more
Now we just need some good movies based on games... Read more
There's a difference between a licensed game (ie: a Batman, LotR or Alien game) and a movie-tie-in game. The latter is simply based off an existing franchise, the latter has the game's development tied with the production of a movie, which often results in a rushed production and a generally crappy game. Read more
I have been enjoying the stuffing out of Shadow of Mordor. I've been carefully collecting every little thing—and I mostly hate "completionist" activities, because they feel like busy work to make up for a lack of content. Here, though, the feel is different.
I just now (sixteen hours in) unlocked the ability to… Read more
It's not the fact they're advertising for games, it's mainly the fact their viewers are unaware of the fact it's a paid advertisement due to the fact they generally hide this somewhere obscure. Read more
So Youtubers are being paid to advertise a game.... Why would they be allowed to say anything negative about it? Would you make a commercial pointing out a flaw in a product you were selling? No. Welcome to America and capitalism. I see no problem here. Read more
Fuck me. I think I have to buy an Oculus Rift now. Read more
Neotopia is—wait for it—on Kickstarter, jangling a very big cup in the air in hopes of catching £250,000, which comes out to about $402,745. Chump change that ain't. And of course, there's the $402,745 question: do people even want a PlayStation Home-style virtual hangout on PlayStation 4? So let's start here: do you? Read more