Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

I'd heard of Incredipede, but this is the first I've heard of this game. With hundreds of indies being released almost daily, it seems there is an avalanche of information to wade through to see which ones are good these days. Read more

That's heartbreaking. It's one of the reasons I only get about 80% through the games I make and give up, always worried that once it gets out there it'd be ripped apart by "the internet", or just nobody would play it. Read more

I think I'm going to buy this AND do a piece of art for them. Love when people do fun things like this. Read more

Awh that's too bad. I bought it on Android and it's so relaxing. MORE PEOPLE BUY IT PLEASE. Read more

My favorite was the live action one, because it made me realize I never wanted a live action simpsons movie. Read more

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Not sure my favorite overall but this recent one was just so insane. I thought it was brilliant. I've rewatched it a bunch of times and it just keeps getting better and better. I love crazy out-there things and this is just perfect.

This looks fucking weird. Like really fucking weird. I like it. Read more

You should really pay a dollar as a symbolic sum, at least. Artists can offer only a limited amount of free downloads, and then it'll actually COST them money to offer the downloads to you for free.

Or, download something for free and pay for something else, say something with a minimum price. The deal seems to be $500 Read more

Im 28 and I still love this fucking game. So many memories. Read more

He's also got a bunch of other soundtracks on there, like Kingdoms of Amalur and Perfect Dark, but note that some of them have a minimum price. Read more

I think Star Wars is in good hands with Disney, but it is very disrespectful pulling the plug on someone's revenue stream without notifying them first. Read more

I've been playing Tiny Death Star since it was released on Windows 8. Yes, it had bugs (I stopped receiving Imperial missions), but it was enjoyable. I never spent a cent on it though, I just took my time. Timing is pretty bad too because the game was just updated in July. Read more

I have Tiny Death Star, and as far as maintaining the game goes, I have popped in once in a while to check if there had been anything new added. Nope. It's been maybe 8 months since I last did anything in the game. So as far as maintaining the game goes, this is not news. It's been a while since any updates have Read more

For real, though, fingers crossed that this one crosses the finish line. And if not, well, I guess those wretched, filthy humans get to live another day. As someone who's definitely not a robot squid from globally warmed zombie space, this thought displeases me greatly. Read more

I can just imagine someone dressing up as a Cryptarch, and handing out color-coded candy from their door like engrams. And wrapping travel size toothpaste in purple candy wrappers. Read more

I'm a member of a sketch group called Sketchbomb that does basically the same thing. We come up with some crazy idea or random words and everyone does their best take on it. We don't have winners and losers, but it's always good fun. Combining a WWE wrestler and a Marvel villain has been a personal favorite so

But didn't you get the memo?! Orcs Must Die! Read more

Looks interesting. Glad Dejobaan are really trying out new things, for a while it seemed like they were stuck making games about falling and falling and perhaps landing (but mostly falling). Read more