Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

A part of me was like, aw man they're gonna delete my dolphins! And then I realized I hadn't logged in and seen my dolphins in ages. Read more

I can't say I'll miss it. It just never really had a point, did it? It was just a place to be harassed by strangers and spend real money on virtual clothes and spaces. I understand why Sony tried it, but it just never had an appeal to me. Read more

I tried it like 3 times and each time I though I'd get the point of it. I never did Read more

This looks EXTREMELY similar to Banner Saga— the setting is different, but I can't ignore the gameplay, dialog selection, and side-scrolling travel between battles, to say nothing of the 2D cel animation. I love Banner Saga, so I'm all for this, it's just a little obvious. Read more

Game looks cool but.. Read more

I can dig it, looks like it has a lot of promise. Voice acting needs a bit of work, but then again it was just a kickstarter trailer. Read more

Only Duck game I need... well, that and Ducktales on NES....

Hmmm... October 14... Duck Dynasty game or The Evil Within? Such a hard decision there. Read more

Now playing

Sorry, the only thing that can fill the JSR/JSRF hole in my heart is a new JSR game.

I remember seeing this video like 3 years ago or so? It's been out for awhile and now it's finally getting a kickstarter? YES. Finally. I would love to see this get made. Read more

To hell with Chris Roberts, this is where space sims are going to be at! Or at least, I hope. I haven't the faith to go in early on either title. Read more


This is about the closest possible medicine against this illness I think. It's a pretty severe penalty getting blocked from ranked matches. Read more

If they manually check every single report, good, otherwise bad. Read more

You know what would be even more fun, put them in their own Ab-Normal League, a matchmaking system made up of only toxic players. Then they just have to be civil with other toxic players for a number of games and then they can come back. I think this would be be the ultimate test. Read more

God I wish Valve would do this with DOTA 2. I tried playing ranked, but every third game seemed to have at least 1 complete asshole that wouldn't speak up to the captain and then take someone elses pick, or worse be captain and not know wtf they're doing, or worse yet just start feeding themselves and the courier for Read more

I remember when Steam was that little start-up PC service that could... Read more

Haha, that is it Postal thing is like Steam's equivalent of Dr. House's Lupus. Read more

It'll probably be a while still until we get tech that consistently allows for good looking characters of all body types with other customization. Getting complex clothing models and such to interact with a large variety of body shapes while still retaining their quality is a bit easier said than done. Read more