Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

Tim is one of the only people who could've handled this situation with any grace at all. Has Double Fine overestimated the success of crowdfunding and Early Access? Probably. But so have any consumers who have bought into these games without realizing that any game in-progress could easily drop out-of-progress. The Read more

Just a reminder that if you're buying Early Access, buy it for what the game offers right now, not for what the future might hold. Read more

How to Be a Tree seems kind of goo-like. Have a shape with a rather schematic structure and add physics. Read more

Because Microsoft needs it to sell Xbox Ones. Tons of them.
They can PR speak around this all day long but they're not fooling anybody. Read more

Thats true, but truly Halo is pretty much the only Microsoft IP thats is universally acclaimed ( OK maybe Gears too but you get my point). But really if you have a PC buying a XO is pretty redundan. If you have a PC I recommend a PS4 and/or a Wiiu. Read more

World first races are fun. I know I enjoy watching or keeping up with the world first races in WoW. Personally I've been apart of a few realm firsts in the past and those were a blast to do. But the thing about fun is that it's subjective, what's fun for me may not be fun for you. Read more

Reading this, it just makes me think about how this huge raid was completed with a bunch of players who are just over level 20, which, when it comes to RPGs of any sort, isn't exactly a high level. Which gets me thinking about the level cap. OK, it's at 20. This makes me wonder: how many goddamn expansions are they Read more

10% of the people who own Xbox Ones playing multiplayer (which I think is a fair if not low estimate, given it's an Xbox, and it's frickin Halo) would result in 500,000 people for you to play with. And that's not counting the number of people who will buy one just for this game, which I honestly think will be at least Read more

My god, all my fears in one article! Read more

The last time I played Dark Souls 2 I got so frustrated during a boss fight I thought I was going to "stroke out." My pulse was racing and I was shaking when I put the controller down. Maybe I'm getting too old for this crap. I used to just shrug this crap off. It's just a game after all. Read more

I'm glad for Pit and Lucario players that their smashes have been changed. They were just too useless when your friends knew how to dodge them. Read more

All these videos make me want to do is bust out my N64, GC, and Wii, and play all the versions of SSB. Which, now that I think about it, would be quite a bit of work. So now I don't really want to do that. Hmmm. I'll just go play Diablo 3 instead. Read more

I personally preferred Luigi, R.O.B., and Dedede's old smashes much more. Ness's new one seems much more useful, but the old one was pretty fun to dodge. Undecided on Pit, another one that was fun to dodge. Read more

Man Smash 4 Pikachu is so cute! Look at his little butt-spin after his down smash. How adorable~ Read more

Great article, I have a lot of issues with WoW and it's ilk, but the reality is that many of my friends have great memories from it, and have met good people, whether or not it was ultimately something that they view as a beneficial part of their lives. It's easy to ignore the positive ways that we grow from seemingly Read more

This...all of my feels. Turnis should still be safe, as well as Dargan... sigh...all this WoW stuff happening makes me miss it. Read more