Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

Players requested the chance to submit music for Dreamfall. Then the contest was opened up to more people, and it caused a shitstorm. Kind of sad, in my opinion. I get that asking people to work for free is shitty, but I don't really think that was the case here. I talked to Tornquist myself and it was pretty clear Read more

You could argue they were "paying" the musician with exposure and getting their work featured in a game. If I had a choice between getting my work featured in a big game or never selling it ever (which lets face it, is the reality of this situation for most of these fans), why the hell not?

I happen to do a lot of Read more

See, I've never been concerned with labels. If people don't consider video games art, fine. Not sports, fine. There doesn't need to be some agreed consensus about what they are or they aren't as long as you enjoy them. I find the people who insist on characterizing certain creative outputs or activities as such are Read more

E-sports are skill-based challenges that rely heavily on reflex and physical dexterity. You can certainly make the argument that those aren't sports, but then you'd have to say the same about games like golf, air rifle shooting, bowling, etc. Otherwise the definition is inconsistent. Read more

This conversation's been going on for a while, and it's interesting, but ultimately downloads win. Read more

Honestly, I'm not all that surprised as scale is a HELL of an economizer, from cost to environmental impact. Read more

Man, I don't skip on discs because of the environment. I use downloadable as much as possible to skip having actual physical discs that take up space and I have to move around. Read more

Hoooow? is he going to talk to himself? the horse? ...dead girl? some kind of goofy annoying side kick

Which will come out first; Shadow of the Colossus movie, or The Last Guardian? Read more

I don't really get why they aren't building a matchmaking system for PvE content. Me and 4 other friends would build entire 10 man raiding groups from scratch in WoW by inviting random pugs to come with us on raids. It was actually a great way to meet new people and make more friends. If Blizzard never provided some Read more

Global chat as in in game chat? as far as i could tell there isn't any in game chat for Destiny, other than maybe voice chat for people already in your group. Read more

do these raids require the teammates be on your friendlist or can I just jump on global chat and make request for a team? Read more

I may duck this game now. I like fun shooters that have level options, but if its getting into endgame raid content it may not be for me. I played enough WOW to last a lifetime and I like games with endings now :) Read more

of course after you've played enough, your brain kinda just learns when to expect certain cards to come out based on who you're playing against, what turn, and what has been played. Read more

I think, knowing Nintendo's history with sticking to release dates, that it's unlikely that all of those big names like Zelda and Star Fox actually make it to market next year. Read more

Not particularly hyped just yet. Show me this stuff at TGS first and then get back to me. Read more

The new gen consoles are too close to PC to not make a PC version along the new gen version. They all go together. In fact I think it took this long to get the PC version because they knew they wanted to have all 3 version made together. Read more

There would have been riots! It would have been too painful, after losing RDR, but getting IV and MP3. Good for them and good for us. Read more