Why it's not on Windows is baffling to me. It's MICROSOFT! Read more
Eventually PS4 will have all the games. It is just a matter of time.
Now where the fuck is a console release for Plants vs. Zombies 2?? Read more
Peggle 2, PopCap's previously Microsoft-exclusive black hole time vortex of sheer addiction, is finally coming to…
The game is heaps of fun with friends. Just sloppy enough to guarantee even the best players don't have a sure-fire chance at winning. Read more
Giant Bomb has the best time with Gang Beasts.
crap man, i want them to take this tech and make an old school style brawler out of it. Call it awkward final fight or something. That tech looks amazing. Read more
I'm trying to be super cautious about Early Access games. I know for some folks there's an appeal, and I understand it, but...I'm just not okay with making this kind of practice commonplace. If I want to be 'part of the experience' of development, I'd sign up for betas, and I'd rather see a game as 'complete' before… Read more
The DLC are fun, but far too short, I hope by expansion pack, they mean a big old school one that is nearly as big as the base game. Read more
As part of its big PAX panel Volition just announced a new Saints Row. It's called Saints Row: Gat out of Hell,…
Ships are heavy but durable, and in my time playing team deathmatch (one of a few planned multiplayer modes), I found that smart positioning and teamwork were absolute musts. Some ships, like a long-range class that's essentially a giant flying sniper rifle, were better suited to filling out a team's back line while… Read more
You had me at Dan Abnett. God amongst Black Library writers. Let us keep him safe from the foul Gotto and The Great Defiler of Canon; Ward. So that he may continue to produce Eissenhorn along with The Blessed Mitchell's Cain Archives and whatever ultrasmurf nonsense McNiell likes to write. Read more
This is just reminding me that its gonna be ages before we get Mewwwwwww-genics. Read more
This just reminds of the somehow comical fact that one of the most fan-friendly developers in the world (Bethesda Game Studios) is owned by one of the most anti-fan publishers in the world (Zenimax). Read more