Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

Civ V. Or shorter indie games. I usually try to play a JRPG from my backlog, but the flu makes those games way to incomprehensible.

If all else fails.... Red Dead Redemption for the 15th time. Damn, that game is good. Read more

Chrono Trigger. It doesn't matter how sick I am or how unclear my mind is, it's my favorite game and I know it inside & out. Read more

I do my gaming on a laptop, so I really like to take something to help me sleep, get in bed and curl up and play Civilization when I've been sick as a dog. It is mellow and slow paced and at any point, you can just sort of stop pushing buttons and close your eyes. Read more

I get sick fairly often and that's usually what starts my Minecraft sprees. Other than that, Civilization or simple puzzle games like sudoku are usually my sick games. I mostly watch videos on youtube when sick though. I went through the entirety of several youtube channels while sick at different times. Read more

War Thunder/World of Tanks/Hearthstone. Games with short rounds where I don't have to invest time, or miss out on half the story in a fluey haze. Read more

There should be a Mario Kart mode where the only item available are the blue shells. People then would curse so much even LoL players would be offended by it. Read more

I play all kinds of racing games, from arcade-y NFS, thru Grid, to more serious games like Gran Turismo and Forza, to full racing sims like iRacing and Simraceway...and I race in Time Attacks IRL. None of that matters in MK cuz of the items. I could have the biggest lead in lap 2 erased by 1 item and end up being Read more

While the video makes some very good points, they almost completely ignore the fact that there are already a number of much more fair equalizers out there. The only argument that you can make is the rare occasion when there is a HUGE gap between player 1 and 2.

MK8 was the fairest MK yet, but it was still so Read more

You love it when you have it, hate it when you don't. The basis for all best weapons in any game. Read more

At least they didn't put this changes in the original game so you have a choice between new and original. not all devs would bother with that. Read more

So, I've been playing games for a while, (not that long of a while, but a while.) Read more

Having worked with SWAT before, I could see this going very badly. I could see people getting killed. This is one of the most dumb ass things I've seen. Read more

"If the investigation determines that today's incident was a hoax, those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law." Read more

AW MAN! The original Bionicles! I think that's when I had fallen in love with LEGO and truly appreciated what LEGO did as a company. I will never forget getting Tahu while at Disney Land, even though he wasn't a Disney souvenir. :P
I also can't find my Gali's mask. Sad day. Read more

Scary indeed. Glad nothing major came of it 'cept for him needing a new pair of trousers. Read more

Man, if i had to cal the cops every time i walked into someone's living room to find a white board containing balistic missile trajectories... Read more

Correct. However, it's a new 3D Mesh for the existing boss, which has never been done before. The best anybody has been able to do was using DSFix to intercept textures and replace them on their way to the screen. Read more

There have been a handful of mods for the PC version of the first Dark Souls ever since it came out, but they've largely been relegated to the realm of graphical fixes and cosmetic changes for items. This one, however, is an entire new boss. From Diablo III. Read more

My cat, Diego (he's also my thumbail photo) passed away unexpectedly in '12... still miss him and drew this as a tribute to his awesomeness. Read more

I remember laughing when I randomly transformed into Guppy while playing BoI (I think I had Guppy's head, Guppy's tail, and the dead cat). RIP Guppy! Read more