Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

The only down side about this Pokemon TCG game is that you actually have to acquire codes to get cards.
These codes you can either go to your local store and pick up certain packs of Pokemon cards and they'll have a code..Or you can go spend 20$ and get 100 codes or some crazy shit on amazon or ebay. Read more

Currently, real Pokemon TCG packs come with a free code for the online game. The newer packs, I don't think the older ones do though. Read more

Now give me a sequel to the GBC game! Read more

It's already out on PC, go play and download it Read more

So the real question is how much are they going to charge per booster pack. Spend $500+ on the actual card game and then have to re-buy em all on IOS? Sounds like a great idea for them. Read more

I have finished this 12 times. What I've taken away from my experience with PT: Read more

This is amazing!! I think I just blue myself...

Speaking of Elder Scrolls, I found -watching at these pictures- that the faces of recentely featured screenshots on Kotaku were much better than any face showed here... Read more

I'd like to see someone do SG-1 (O'Neill, Carter, Jackson, and Teal'c), Red Dwarf, Firefly, Mass Effect, South Park, Halo, and Re-Imagined Battlestar Galactica. Read more

I wonder if The Sims as a concept hasn't just flat-out run out of mileage. I played the crap out of Sims 2 (and have told the story of the four-year neighborhood more than once in this comment section), but a few months into playing Sims 3, I really felt like I'd done everything there is to do and lost interest in Read more

Here's an interesting trivia for you not covered in the video (as it predates any of the beta content covered in the video): Read more

Now playing

Youngin's here have no idea how truly different TF2 was originally supposed to be:


Actually, the way my boyfriend and I used to beat it seemed to work after a few tries. We did the 'wait for the ghost sounds to end, walk ten paces, stop. microphone.' method; though we had to reloop a few times. So it is random. Read more

Ehh. I suppose I'm in the minority here. I played all the good-ol'-days silent hills and I loved all of them (apart from the Silent Hill 1's stupid flying monsters). This one, though... I get that they're trying to do a Silent Hill: The Room thing here with the first person angles and the ghostly goolies and I also Read more

Stanley was confronted by a ghost. He had seen the ghost before, time and time again. Stanley had long since lost his fear of the ghost and just wondered why he couldn't grab the keys by the front entrance and walk out of the house. Stanley stood there and pondered this for a moment and decided to reset the hallway

I'm a supporter of the mic theory. I played for hours and hours the first two days and could not get passed the final "puzzle." Last night I plugged in a mic and got it almost immediately. And considering it Kojima we're talking about it seems likely. What a blast figuring this out with everyone though. Read more

There seem to be a few possible ways to trigger the ending. I don't think it's entirely random, but it seems abundantly clear by now that there is not just one single solution to the final puzzle. There appear to be several possible ways to end the game. Read more

Doesn't it begin by saying the gap in the door is a separate reality? That's what I got from watching people play through it online. Each time they go through the door and end up in that same hallway again, it's another reality of the same place, each one slightly different. It would explain also why the game is Read more

Played it, tried a "sure fire" method to trigger ending, didn't really work. Still the entire demo was creepy as fuck and i know for a fact i missed some stuff just because i was too creeped out to stick around and really explore. Read more