Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

The beautiful part about Clockwork is that you have to unlock it by listening to it again and again. These tiny nuances that pop out at you through the fourth play through like, "Ah-ha! I see what you did there!" The name of the album complements the track list so well. Sonic complexity hidden under simplicity. Just Read more

Oh yeah it's definitely worth the listen. I'm just thankful we won't be waiting as long for their next album. I read somewhere how Josh was saying that they had plenty of material already and would probably hit the studio again not too long after touring. Six years was way too long. Read more

It's a good thing you played it. November 23 of this year will be the 40th anniversary of the death of my dad. The evening after my mom's birthday he was driving to the grocery store with one of my elder brothers in an old 1963 Buick Century (the car companies weren't required to install seatbelts, and my dad bought Read more

I too am going through an interesting time at the moment. I'm finding it difficult to put into words exactly how I feel about the things that are happening around/to me. Though most of the things are unpleasant I find it a mixed bag, some things have been reaching the peak of excellence while the other stuff is Read more

"I asked if it ever considered hurting or killing itself. It replied, "Well, haven't we all," pointing to those little moments where we gaze over tall ledges or into speeding traffic and think, "I could. Nothing is stopping me." Most of us don't. Some of us do." Read more

"Sometimes it's almost impossible to explain why these things mean so much to us—'a video game made you cry?' some might scoff—but there it is." Read more


E3 does matter but the way it is formatted needs to change. Publishers need to understand that we don't care about stupid celebrities who have no interest in the products coming on stage to say "Wow...yeah...this is great...I lovez me gamez...oh and my new single is going to be in the soundtrack!". Read more

Anything that gives the gaming industry this kind of positive attention still matters. Games have made huge progress towards becoming more accepted by the general mainstream, but it's still not quite there yet. Besides, even if E3 disappeared into obscurity, something along the lines of PAX would instantly take its Read more

E3 will only be useful for as long as the publishers deem it so. Also the vast majority of people only really see a small part of E3 in the form of the big conferences and you can actually find out more from the floor itself. One of the reasons I love Eurogamer Expo in the UK is that you can actually talk to the devs Read more

Like Malls and Religious Institutions, E3 has failed to stay relevant to the people and the technology. Read more

What makes E3 different from other big game-related conferences these days, like Gamescome or the various PAXes? That's the question that has to be answered. Is it just that studios and publishers will pull out all the stops for E3? Read more

I like E3 for the spectacle, but most of the news makes its way out days before the companies go on stage and present. I think Cliff Bleszinski made a good point last night on Twitter. The biggest surprise a company could make at E3 is show an amazing trailer with gameplay and then announce that its available that Read more

E3 matters very much. Just like how E, TMZ, and the news hype up movies year-round, we need E3 to hype up games. No matter how masterful the games are, without naturally-induced hype via over-the-top conferences, they will simply slip by and go unnoticed in today's world of Big names and Big advertising. E3 is a way Read more

I was really hoping for some cool additions to FPS games like hand gestures to control a squad, or simple voice commands (R6: 3 had this). Sadly, with a fragmented user base, I most likely won't be seeing that any time soon. Read more

ahem *Loki Pose