Nathan Grayson's discussions

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

If it helps, it will also make you laugh a bunch probably. In addition to making me all weepy, Undertale made me laugh more than any other game this year. Just really good writing all around. Read more

I haven’t played it yet, which is silly of me because Dragonfall was one of my favorite games of 2014. Just never quite found the time for Hong Kong. I’m technically on vacation right now, though, so I’ll hopefully get to it in the next few days! Read more

Just found this in another Steam controller post from Valve: Read more

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Worth noting: Jim Sterling also did a good video on this subject, with a slightly more console-focused slant.

I get what Druckmann is saying, and I think his intentions here are good. It’s rad that games can allow people to transcend their appearances. But there’s still context to keep in mind. There are still black actresses and actors not getting recognized for their work—or not getting work at all. Not being able to see Read more

Nah, that was right after I got my first power armor. I’ve since become extremely conservative about wearing it. I feel like I’m that way with any limited resource item/attack/etc in games. Pick up a cool secret mega-weapon? Time to NEVER USE IT because I might need it later. Read more

Related: what the hell is going on here?

It was! Being in the crowd for it was nuts, too. Every time anyone from Liquid got a kill, people lost their damn minds. Tons of people chanting, “USA” and stuff like that. Na’Vi won pretty handily of course, but the energy in the room was electric. It was the first CSGO event I’ve attended live, and I’m really glad Read more

The ‘(It Is Technically Possible To) Stealth (In These) Games (If You Want To But Honestly It’s Kinda Your Call)’ sale just doesn’t have the same ring to it. Read more

We’ll have more on this later today, but you’ll probably want to also grab the original Deus Ex (if you don’t have it on Steam) so you can try it with the new Revision mod, a fan passion project that’s been in the works for aaaaaaages. They’re saying Revision is only “officially” compatible with the Steam version of De Read more

Such a satisfying knockout. I miss the days when I wasn’t personally worried for Dan Henderson’s health every time he stepped into the cage. Read more

Tina, if you cannot solve my riddles twelve, you will never escape the Kotaku Mindpalace. Nyahahahahahaha. Read more

Sometimes I do (actually, you’ll see one for Undertale soon), but it’s tough to do that while also accounting for the sheer volume of interesting games being released on Steam. I try to strike a balance by doing focused impressions pieces, highlighting games I dig after a play session or two. Even then, though, a lot Read more

Good point! I’m changing the headline to be more like yours. Read more

They are literally my favorite band. I haven’t been able to stop listening to Act IV since it came out. Also, I’m seeing TDH live on Saturday! Stoooooked to hear how they pull off the new stuff on stage. (And secretly harboring a hope that members of the Awesome Orchestra, who recorded Act IV’s orchestral sections and Read more

I felt that way at first, but then I started focusing on really precise maneuvering to draw out enemies without (necessarily) sacrificing my own units. Basically, I started trying to figure out how to force mistakes out of the NPC. To me, it ended up feeling a little like chess; I always needed to be thinking a couple Read more

The lore is one of the few things that’s really disappointed me, honestly. It’s not terrible, but it’s either a) semi-interesting stuff delivered in giant expository dumps that make it hard to care or b) generic. It’s a shame because, as you pointed out, the characters are so great (and many of them are badass Read more