Nathan Grayson's discussions

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

That, basically. They’ve also been working on Original Sin 2 for about a year, so a lot of money from the first game has already gone into this one. They also seem to be of the “make what we’ve got better” school of Kickstarting. They’re hoping to hire a bunch more writers, for example—each of which would be dedicated Read more

OK, I just crashed Earth into Jupiter, and Earth—perhaps in part because it’s so much smaller—was demolished. Fragments of it continued to rain down onto Jupiter’s surface, continually raising its temperature and seemingly causing its hydrogen to ignite. It was bittersweet—breathtaking as it was heartbreaking.

I was wondering! Makes sense, since that’s exactly what the game’s about. Now I just have to work on pronouncing it. Read more

Nah, this takes place after Borderlands and Borderlands 2. There is a slim chance that Scooter’s still alive, but he sure looks dead right now. Read more

I really wanted to check that one out this week, but didn’t get around to it. Over the weekend, for sure! Read more

Yeah, the song kinda just feels like Another Madien Song, which is a shame. The video is definitely the main attraction here. Read more

Oof. Yeah, that was pretty horrible. I flew around, shot some ships, died a couple times, and got bored. Read more

It’s the best game ever in the world where you play as a spider (probably). Read more

That is such a cool idea. Some spirits could be peaceful—perhaps even talkative—and others could just be out for blood. Damn, I’d love to play a game with a system like that. Read more

When anyone asks me, “Modding, what’s that?” I say nothing, pull out my phone, and show them this video. Then they call the police. Read more

I did some searching on this and found that rule 35 and rule 34b are the same. One is redundant. WHICH ONE Read more

I watched all of Seed, but never Seed Destiny. I heard so many bad things about it that I didn’t even bother. I’ve been kinda out of the loop on recent Gundam series, though. What’s good these days? Read more

Noooooooooo I can’t unwatch that. It’s burned into my ears and the back of my eyelids. I will never feel cool when I pretend to be Domon Kasshu while no one’s looking ever again. And you can just forget about my skin tight cosplay that would’ve rendered a whole lot of people blind or at least voluntarily Read more

I always get tremendous anxiety before I do it. A small voice in the back of my head is like, “Somebody’s gonna be super mean this time. Someone in chat is gonna mock your abilities or your voice or something else you’re really self-conscious about.” So far, though, people have been pretty much unanimously awesome.

Now playing

I am not speaking for everyone, but G Gundam. G Gundam for life. Now watch this and prepare to CRUSH YOUR DAY.