Sam Feinberg's discussions

Sam Feinberg

My Logitech MX518 is at least a hundred years old and still destroys all other mice. Read more

I have no evidence for this, but I wonder what would happen to the rate of injuries if the NFL were to implement a ten year plan to enforce a "weight limit" in the league. I feel like, PEDs or no, these guys are all too strong/big for the safety of the sport itself. Read more

The real pressing question here is, has the military invented the Lapton Gun from Perfect Dark yet? Read more

I know it's not technically Disney but I would probably rush out to buy the game tomorrow if there were Ghibli play sets. Playable Totoro with spinning top and flute jam mini-game? I'm there. Read more

The age of the characters in Airbender is important because they don't have to worry too much about relationship and teenage angst. Read more

I didn't think you registered me as a best friend since you weren't awake/alive when I was there.. which would preclude us from in game messaging! But yeah I'll see you around, I'll open my gate when I get online Read more

Anyone else remember playing Midtown Madness 3 online on the Xbox? That was the first game I ever remember having a world where you could literally just drive around online with a bunch of people and do whatever you want, and it was weirdly awesome. Read more

Hey you need to go over to the train station more often! I've been opening my gates usually. Read more

If Crew and Online Team Up actually worked as smoothly and sensibly as EA's Virtual Pro feature in FIFA, the 2K series would take an even bigger leap forward. Read more

It's already in 2K13, Online Team Up. Crew is just significant because it's the character you build up over the different modes, earning points to assign to your virtual player. Online Team Up gives you an actual NBA team and player. Read more

Yes, this is just a general response to the idea that they should make Zelda more realistic or gritty. Read more

Instead of making LoZ more "gritty", why don't they concentrate on more detail (Skyward Sword's world felt mostly empty and dead), more enemies (with the increased graphical power of the U), and, most importantly, more elaborate puzzles. Read more

Will I be able to play Arcade games from 360 on Xbone? Read more

People are so frickin' whiny. Nintendo makes a sequel to Link to the Past, and no one's even played it yet but everyone is announcing that it just doesn't look right. Jeez, maybe cause you actually have to have the thing in front of you to see how good it looks on the hardware it was made for. Or experience the game Read more

I can't see that, but I'd be happy to have Owen Hart's Blue Blazer instead! That'd even make me a little emotional, I might add a half star to my eventual review. Read more

I want to personally confront the person who started the rumor way back when about WWF: No Mercy being updated and put on the current gen Arcade marketplaces. Read more

That's a really awesome idea. The more activities they can put in the game the better! Read more

Disagree with me all you want, but I think if you're on the internet complaining about Pokemon designs, you've probably out-grown Pokemon. As for me, I didn't play any of the DS titles and am really excited about the new graphics and battle types Read more