Disney's collectible toy video game platform launches tomorrow, which means parents and fans will be raiding video game aisles across the country to score the initial wave of toys and playsets. How much money should they bring? All of it.
First thing you're going to need, whether you're a curious gamer or a haggard parent, is a starter kit. This includes the Infinity base, which connects to your game console via USB (except the 3DS version, which connects through magic), a game-enhancing Power Disc, a cube to unlock three adventure modes and three figures — Captain Jack Sparrow, Mr. Incredible and Sully from Monsters Inc.
I'm using GameStop prices her, since they generally stick to MSRB as far as games go, unless they're used. they've got the starter pack at $74.99. That's the bare minimum you can spend.
Mind you the 3DS version of the game isn't the magical creation tool we've been talking about for months. It's a collection of themed mini-games that use the same figures as the console versions. I see no standalone version for sale yet, so if you want portable and console, it's $150.
Do you have more than one child? Do you want to play the adventure playsets in co-op mode? Since only characters of the corresponding property can exist in an adventure playset, you'll need at least one other figure from each of the game's three starting worlds.
That means you'll need either the Sidekicks Pack or the Villains Pack. Retailing for $29.99, these packs contain three villains or additional heroes from each of the three starting worlds — Davy Jones, Syndrome and Randall Boggs, or Barbossa, Mrs. Incredible and Mike Wozowski.
Assuming you only need one version of the game, we're up to 104.98.
What about those other two adventure worlds? Are you getting the most out of Disney Infinity if you don't have the Lone Ranger and Cars sets? No, you are not. Both of these packs contain two figures and a cube that unlocks what is essentially an entirely new adventure game within Disney Infinity. They're $39.99 apiece (you can find them for $34.99 elsewhere).
We're up to $184.96 before taxes.
If we're spending this much, might as well get the rest of the toys, right?
Each individual figure runs $13.99 — much more expensive than normal-sized Skylanders. The good news is we saved $24 buying the Villains and Sidekicks packs! The bad news? That still leaves Francesco Bernulli and Mater from Cars and Violet and Dash from The Incredibles.
Adding those to the pile, our grand total is $240.92. Good thing your kids don't want those game-enhancing Power Disc Packs! We'll ring you up for two at $5.99.
$252.90. Is that too large a price to pay for happiness? You should probably just make the plunge. The new stuff starts rolling out in October, with the $39.99 Toy Story in Space playset and another 10 figures.
I've got my review copy of the game already, along with the initial wave of solo figures. I was going to go out tomorrow morning and buy the Lone Ranger and Cars playsets, but then I saw how much they cost and decided to write this article instead. Hi.