Sam Feinberg's discussions

Sam Feinberg

If you don't like the missions then GTA ain't for you because the missions ARE what leads to the discovery. By playing the game you see all the sights because that's what a good story does. Sure, there's plenty of side missions but they all serve the same function, to try and get you around to all the different Read more

It's OK to say that Animal Crossing isn't a game for you. My friend Mike doesn't understand LittleBigPlanet, he wants to know what there is to DO. If you're not into making the levels or the social aspects, then it's probably not going to be the right game for you. Read more

Someone ask that statue of Ryo if it knows where sailors hang out! Read more

As long as I can use my Kinect 2 to virtually tea bag my opponents after I've defeated them I'll be a happy man. Read more

Or a new game! Preferably for the 3DS so that I don't have to waste my money on a Wii U. Read more

If it is at all successful it could set a huge precedent for how future game adaptations are handled. Nintendo could stand to make a killer Metroid movie. Read more

Is it impossible for them to release Super NES games for 3DS? Read more

Similarly, the best way to attack Zack Grienke's pitches is to go the mound and break his collar bone. Read more

The answer is a game where you play more than one character! Read more

Does this confirm that Rocksteady is making Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? lmao, I'm sure they're making the much-hyped and rumored Arkham/Batman meets the Justice League game but I got really excited when I first heard that rumor re: Rocksteady and TNMT Read more

Just bought a 3DS recently and am shocked to see how bare the Virtual Console is. I'm also pretty dismayed that I can't enjoy titles that I own on Wii's Virtual Console or WiiWare, such as the Phoenix Wright games. Not only that, the pricing scheme is sufficient to scare off any users from wanting to buy retro games, Read more

When are we gonna get to see an updated Misty in full 3D? Awwwwwwwww yeah. Read more

Hear, hear. I don't want to associate with the kind of people that play those idiotic games in the first place. Read more

Not trying to be antagonistic here, but c'mon, we all saw about 2 minutes of that game. Not anywhere near enough time to know if it was going to be any good. The graphics looked amazing, the Uncharted style platforming looked exciting, but for all you know they might not have ever gotten farther than that demo. Read more