The 4th main character is a dog!
The 4th main character is a dog!
Sly Stallone, is that you? Read more
Rejoice!!!!!!! Read more
The Nets aren't terrible. They're not much better than "decent", though. Read more
I'm just wildly speculating, obviously I didn't say it's gonna happen, just that I wouldn't be surprised. I'm a cynical person so I guess you could say I wouldn't be surprised by anything. Microsoft has a lot of money. Read more
It honestly wouldn't surprise me if this eventually happens. I've been wondering why Sony announced their console this early and the only thing I could think of was fear: that Microsoft has snagged an exclusive big enough to turn the tide completely in their favor. Read more
Considering how many baba mamas Dwight has, he was probably talking to one of his 17,000 sons. Read more
So.. the only issue is the credit card. It has nothing to do with the rewards at all since you're giving your money to essentially pledge that you will go to the movie and spread the buzz for the studio's sake. Read more
"I don't understand where it gets the fund to keep operating." Read more
I think NBA TV is great. The Open Court round-tables with Ernie, Kenny, Chuck, C-Webb, Shaq, Reggie, Steve Smith and Steve Kerr are an amazing insight into my generation of ball (born in '87) that are pretty much unique to this sport's network. (If they have a similar or better done thing on MLB or NFL or NHL, I've… Read more
I guess by "manager", Theo means "the guy who passes out the drugs" Read more
Beat Hazard + Double Fine??? Read more
A Monster game with Dr. Tenma as the main character with Trauma Center surgery game-play??????? You don't shoot very many bullets, but you will get to hang out with a guy who looks Wilford Brimley. Read more
How about an MLG game by EA. It would be brilliant. The potential is obvious: an RPG-like portion in which one upgrades their computer, using the power of Kinect/Move/Wii to put in annoying screws and using micro-transactions to get new parts! Read more
Jimmy Herring does some pretty crazy solos, Jazz Is Dead probably being some of the best. Read more
They are apparently addressing the #1 problem, game-play variety, and if they do that, they might get me to come back to Assassin's Creed. Read more
South Park has long ago covered the question of what would happen if everyone were to stop farting or if everyone were to pass gas whenever they pleased. Either way, environmental disaster and the end of the world is inevitable. The genius solution? Fart in moderation, or when it's really funny. Read more
I'm not from Japan but I've been twice and I don't get why ANYONE would want to live in Shibuya Read more
"The idea of killing someone with math is at least kind of awesome."