Matthew Buzzi's discussions

Matthew Buzzi

I really feel this way as well. 1UP Yours was one of the first podcasts that really got me thinking about the industry and made me consider a career in it. Entertaining as well as insightful, I really enjoyed it, particularly for the cast. I was sad when things started to shift and the crew changed. Read more

Yeah, so, that was just about one of the strangest things I've ever seen. Read more

Same, I never played the original, and was not entirely sure what I was getting into when I bought it for PC, I just knew I'd like it. I should have gone for a higher difficulty and Iron Man mode, because it's become a bit too easy even in the late stages and I haven't picked it back up in a while. I should start a Read more

Same thing happens on Facebook, and if the person isn't contributing something worthwhile, you unfollow them. You literally customize your own experience and information feed. The same way a ton of people you might meet in person say things you may not care about, you find those who can have good conversations. Read more

So it's pretty ignorant to assume there isn't plenty of intelligent or useful conversation on Twitter if you weed through it and customize it to how you want, for someone who never used it. Read more

I've consistently been bothered with the way it looks on my and friends' TVs. It's blurry, weird, and you feel like you're on the set with the actors. Watching LoTR on new TVs is like a "making of" documentary. Read more

I feel as if they need a good, informational commercial to air a few times that just sort of explains what the console does. I have experienced people being confused by what it is a few times already, and the only commercials that mention it are for certain games that say 'Now for the new Wii U' and flash a quick Read more

It's a damn shame racism isn't criminalized like it is in England and elsewhere. People could actually be held accountable for these incomprehensibly outrageous comments. Read more

Yeah, for all the cursing and yelling in that image, the arguments were lackluster. Read more

I feel as if you're forgetting some, or playing the wrong games...surely there have been some at least noteworthy villains since then? Read more

I think the largest criticism is projected lack of a fanbase. It has a lot of money and backers for a Kickstarter, but relative to the open market, there are concerns that enough people just won't be interested. This also translates to people questioning whether anyone (major developers/publishers) will want to make Read more

It sounds decent, but also like there are much better alternatives out there. It's a bit more powerful than my 17" XPS laptop and rocks a higher resolution, but it was only $1,100, and has been able to run everything well. Plus the trackpad is good, its unfortunate to hear that a losuy one made it on to such a Read more

You seem to be avoiding Kickstarter-related topics, so excuse me for bringing it back up, but I (and I'm sure many others) would find that to be the most fascinating topic to have your opinion on. Do you guys, in general, dislike it, or feel threatened? Objectively (as in, if you didn't work for a company whose Read more

Style wise yes, but the level of detail and lighting is amazing. Read more

Sorry it didn't work out, I loved the idea of Class Realm. I hope it can be successful without the KS funding, or try again! Read more