IndieGames succinctly describes this as 'a cross between Breakout and Space Invaders,' which is pretty accurate —…
IndieGames succinctly describes this as 'a cross between Breakout and Space Invaders,' which is pretty accurate —…
Well, we already know what disgruntled ex-employees think of GameStop; how do the head honchos think they're doing?…
As we mentioned earlier this week, three former members of Retro Studios (Metroid Prime) have struck out on their…
'Tis the season for non-MMO players dipping their toes in the vast MMO waters; the guys at Man vs. Horse have done…
Over at Acid for Blood and Feminist Gamers, there are two interesting essays on the shooter/action game Cunt, which…
Well, the talk on difficulty in games keeps coming — Gamasutra has an interesting essay up that's a slightly…
As I mentioned in my tale of my first MMO, I'm about as solitary gamer as one can be. I was interested in the last…
I was recently discussing the mainstream media's love affair with Second Life, and how the bloom appears to be off…
The flow of free to plays coming from Asia to Western markets doesn't seem like it's going to stop any time soon;…
I am not an MMO player. I might go so far as to say my preferred play style is inherently incompatible with the…
People like banning things — books and films have been dealing with this issue for quite a long time, and the…
Ian Bogost has an interesting essay up comparing the flowering of user generated content to the Kodak Brownie…
We, along with a lot of other people, took a look at the rather offensive Muslim Massacre. Kotakuite tokeytorey let…
Yesterday, we mentioned the fact that game designers often walk a fine line when figuring out how best to dangle a…
I sort of hope the Zero Punctuation knock-off dies a quick death, but reader Nathan M. sent us this video, which…
Gamers can be a finicky bunch, moving from title to title in search of novelty — what does it take to keep players…
Noah Falstein has an interesting article over at Gamasutra, looking at how a selection of game designers got to…
Kotakuite Brian pointed us to this little gem, which needs little commentary — it's a straight forward (and…
Chris Bateman of Only A Game has spent a not insignificant chunk of time talking about the 'hardcore/casual' divide…
The Virtual Worlds Expo took place last week in Los Angeles, and there's been bits and pieces of news from the…