Maggie Greene's discussions

Maggie Greene

@challen: I do feel very lucky to have something 'completely different' like Kotaku - I get frustrated sometimes when the work piles up (both here & at school), but it's nice having an escape from the Ivory Tower guaranteed for two days a week! Read more

@ElReyMysterioso-PBUH: Best Asian food (well, at least for Chinese) in SD is Ba Ren on Diane off Clairemont Mesa. Still on the hunt for a good Korean place .... Read more

@Krack Of Dawn: I try to go in the reasonably early morning or in the late afternoon, since I burn at the drop of a hat even *with* sunblock. Read more

@masterisosceles: Oh, U Dub - fun! Several of my fellow grads either did undergrad or an MA there. I applied, too, since there's some really neat stuff going on, but the funding situation seems dismal. Read more

@Ettie: Depends on the book. Monographs stick better for me than edited volumes, but the edited volumes I've been reading are pretty standard works that fall into a common framework, so it's easy to blitz through and not even really have to think about the content since you know what the overarching argument is. I Read more

@The_Inquisitor: I was a reader my first year, thus didn't have to deal with teaching & learned how to grade and all that. It freaked me out my first quarter or so, but I've settled into a rhythm and a method. Not my favorite activity by any means, but a paycheck is a paycheck and since I wasn't awarded a Javits Read more

@GovernorWatts: I had Fujitani for one quarter of (graduate level) Japanese historiography & Tanaka for two quarters of the same - we have to do a year of modern Japanese history as one of our three minor fields. I'm doing my exam with Tanaka, actually - we always have interesting discussions about gaming! Read more

@Pezdispenser: Odd ball? I think not. ;) Many of us build our careers on the backs of generations of people who have gone to the effort to preserve history in its varied forms. My personal (book) collection isn't 'historical' per se, but believe me - if my house is on fire, after I get the dog out, I'm heading for Read more

@StarStabbedMoon: Dunno if you checked out the ibb and obb website, but they have gameplay videos. I'm just fascinated by it - it was a really interesting offering. Read more

@Arttemis: Braid is definitely interesting, but does has points of extreme frustration. ;) I definitely got my ass handed to me a few times in Winterbottom, since the more 'yous' you have running around on screen, the more confusing it can be (plus, the mechanics can and do change when it comes to interacting with Read more

@Arttemis: I actually talked to Paul & Matt re: Braid (I believe Jonathan Blow was one of their thesis advisors, so) - the thing that struck me after I went 'Hey, this reminds me of Braid!' was how open ended Winterbottom is in comparison to Braid, in that there are a number of paths to take to complete a level. While Read more

@Krondonian: FWIW, I'm running it on my MacBook under Bootcamp & it runs fine, if that tells you anything. I do turn down the graphic options to 'medium,' but it's still clocking along and looking pretty nice. Read more

@Byakko: The English translation for this version seems to be much, much, much better than in the Malaysian version, from what I've read of the Malaysian version (i.e., quest directives actually make sense in this one). Read more

@Krackatoa: No, that was Zhengtu. PW has been around for considerably longer, and the Zhengtu people are rather aggressively courting a different market. Read more

ACK! Galactrix IS coming to DS, but in my extremely sleep-deprived state, somehow forgot to put that in. Problem fixed. No need to get all foamy at the mouth - my fault! Read more

@Macungah: I posted about it before it actually happened - I didn't get to go to the whole thing, since I was sick as a dog and had a big paper to write, but I enjoyed what I did see of the public presentations. Also had some nice discussion on the whole concept with my prof who was there. Read more

@Dajmin: This is NOT sudden. Just because you've apparently been living under a rock and haven't heard about the academic work going on relating to games and gaming doesn't mean it's NEW. YES we ask the same thing from cinema, and directors give it back to us - there is a wide range of cinema available, from deadly Read more

@I_fit_in: No, it's called a conference. They are not calling people together to study a particular issue; they are looking a general grouping of issues and people will present their current research at the conference. The relation between the individual topics and the overarching goals of the conference may be Read more