Yep, it's anthology style - FX just picked it up for a second, with a new cast and story. It'll apparently go back to that 1979 story that Molly's father kept alluding to in the final two episodes. Read more
"Blue team's turret has been destroyed," ifyaknowwhatimean. Read more
Nobody steps on a church in my town! Read more
I really liked that line in Dredd. I mean, I liked most of the lines in Dredd. And all the other parts of Dredd.. Read more
It's first-person when you're out questing unless you get on a vehicle, though you do wear a helmet. But it goes third-person in the safe home-base hub area, and your character takes off his/her helmet. Read more
I sincerely hope that they re-enact that outstanding musical number live. Read more
I have no idea. I hadn't really done anything, I hopped on my sparrow, crashed, and oh hey, level eight! Read more
Most of the SP and co-op stuff happens on the same map as the alpha (Russia), but there are some new cinematic sequences and a few more missions, which help make it feel more like a guided tutorial. I haven't played a lot of crucible stuff yet, but I gather there are new PvP maps, too. Read more
Ha, you were there last night when I was talking about this in group chat, but: I was thisclose to posting the entire video of the download sequence, just so I could share all that music. Read more
I don't think "people" hate local multiplayer video games at all. In fact, I recently wrote a whole article about the best games to play on the couch with a friend. Local multiplayer is the best! Read more
Hah - one of the ones that I had written down but didn't make the list was "Cables." I had this picture of what the flip-side of my case looked like when I was mid-build... Read more
Cheers! I've been having a lot of fun with PC stuff lately, and have definitely been more immersed in the world of PC gaming than I had been for a little while. Feels good to be back in the thick of things. Glad you're enjoying the articles, we'll keep 'em coming. Read more
my gf has been out of town in japan all week and our cat will NOT SHUT UP at me, she meows all morning and all night, she is constantly hungry. Read more
I've been inspired by patricia, time to do it, at least a bit. I don't think I have the time to invest to get good, but you never know! Read more
We got some tips from the people who made the game, with lots of good pointers about building a deck: Read more
And just like everyone else, I totally 100 percented that mission. Read more