Kirk Hamilton's discussions

Kirk Hamilton
Kotaku Editor-at-Large

I always taught it BEADG because then you could just do BEADG again on the flip side but flat. Otherwise not only do you have to do GCF, you also have to say "oh yeah and Gb goes at the end before B." Read more

Works fine for me in Chrome. Are you sure you've got the "sound on" checkbox ticked in the upper left? Read more

Ha, indeed. That will almost surely get mentioned in the list of the *worst* things about building a PC. Read more

I just... I don't know, man. The idea that "sometimes following up greatness with mere goodness can just be soul crushing" sticks in my craw. Read more

Play Arkham Asylum! It's super good. Honestly you could play any of the three, they're all a hell of a lot of fun. Read more

I am very much enjoying the fact that the much-vaunted sharing applications on these new consoles have already allowed people to leak shit early. Read more

For what it's worth, ACIV runs super unevenly on every PC I've ever tried it on. I'm left wondering just what kind of rig could get a steady 60 out of that game. Read more

It's a Seagate, looks like the model number is ST2000DX001. It's a good drive! I keep most of my Steam games on it. Read more

How are you finding Windows 8.1? I also just upgraded from Windows 7, and I'm actually pretty pleasantly surprised. But then, I don't use it for much beyond gaming and making gifs, since I mostly work on a Mac. Read more

Yes, play the first one. It's awesome. And from what I hear, the second one is even better! Read more

There's just no way to talk about "ejecting across the map" without snickering, is there. Read more

It's definitely a time-intensive game, so that's worth taking into account. I've got three or four other things I'm supposed to be playing that I've put on hold. That said... well, it's really good! So. Read more

Ha. The rest of this game adheres to such bananas video-game logic that it must've thrown me to see something realistic happening. Read more

Interesting - that seems like a difference between aiming long-term and short-term, which is what I've been more focused on. I do think that using all skilled up at level three makes the early fights a lot more doable, but what you're saying makes sense. Good tip, and good to know! Read more