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Leaked Video Shows What Destiny Looks Like on Xbox One

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The Xbox One beta for Bungie's next big game isn't supposed to be launching for two weeks. But what appears to be footage of Destiny running on Microsoft's newest console is out there in the wild.

As demonstrated by YouTuber More Console—via The Destiny Blog— the beta footage appears to have been captured and shared via the Xbox One's own Upload Studio app. The recent alpha for the upcoming sci-fi shooter was a Playstation 4 exclusive and angry Xbox loyalists have recently been up in arms over what they see as the most-favored-nation status that the PlayStation platform has enjoyed from Bungie.

At the time of this writing, no clips were turned up in searches for 'Destiny beta' in Upload app on Xbox One. The footage resembles what was seen during the game's PS4 alpha test.


So, while it's unintentionally funny that this leak appears to have come from right inside the Xbox One's own Upload Studio, the premature peek serves as a good reminder that Xbox owners will finally be getting a taste of the next game from the creators of Halo very soon.

Update: NeoGAF user GavinUK86 has uploaded Xbox One Destiny beta clips which were also found via Upload.

Update 2: The first YouTube video has been marked private.

Update 3: And now the DailyMotion videos are down. It was fun while it lasted, right?