Kirk Hamilton's discussions

Kirk Hamilton
Kotaku Editor-at-Large

Yes! I meant to put that under the quicksave section, I'll add it. You can save-scum in combat, but also stand in front of a chest and reload until you get what you want. If you're a filthy degenerate who does that kind of thing, that is. Read more

Yeah, I mention that thieving trick in the article. I think if you're playing in co-op, you can distract the person forever? In single player you only get one interaction before the conversation automatically ends. Read more

Does invisibility really help that much with stealing? (I haven't used it so I don't know.) I've been doing a pretty good job of it just with a couple of stealth-boosting items. Read more

They only get better, too. I just finished book three and it was a WILD RIDE. Read more

Good save game tip! I like how you can pick how many quicksaves it'll keep - since I'm such a constant saver, it takes a load off my mind knowing there are tons more saves. Read more

Ha - a similar thing happened to me when I talked to the wishing well north of town. Read more

Nope, you can do a guy and a lady, two ladies, or two guys. Read more

Oh yeah - I'd assumed it went without saying that this was a guide for how to beat the game, but I'll add a note. Read more

Also I like how you (correctly) assumed I'd want to play Sabetha and would let my co-op partner be Locke, because: obviously. Read more

It's mostly just because I've been playing on a weird schedule, fitting in short sessions where I have time. But I'm definitely planning to do co-op! Nathan Grayson and I are gonna play this weekend. I'm psyched. Read more

The fact that it now stars Locke and Sabetha has made the game about 20% more enjoyable, which is no small feat. Read more

Ha, yeah - that's the kind of stuff that happens all the time. And the first time something like that happens, you know something like it could happen again, and the game feels that much more interesting as you go. What'll happen next? Who knows?? Read more

True, though as TRT-X points out, the pattern appears to repeat on the sides and back. It seems unlikely there are more than 700, but there could easily be more than 151. Read more

You know, after trying your method a few times, I still prefer to follow the numbers. The numbers drop onto the screen, which means that you have a split second to follow the 2 on its way down before you accelerate as it lands. Lakitu's lights pop out of nowhere, which makes it trickier to nail the timing perfectly. Read more

The numbers work great for me, but that's certainly a valid approach as well. Read more

I'd been doing something similar, tapping accelerate until halfway between 2 and 1, which I had ingrained as the right way to do it from a past game. (Maybe it was Mario Kart 64?) Read more