Kirk Hamilton's discussions

Kirk Hamilton
Kotaku Editor-at-Large

Dude, State of Decay is so good. Give it a go, you won't be sorry! Read more

Yep. I meant to work in a mention of that - the memory cards are still ridiculous. After that price cut they may be a little bit less ridiculous than they were, but all the same... come on, Sony. Read more

Now playing

It was definitely the year's biggest surprise, for me. It's not a perfect game or whatever, and it's nowhere near as ingeniously designed as, say, Transistor, but I was so surprised to find myself enjoying the story in a Wolfenstein game as much as I was.

At the very least, Danganronpa was the game that grabbed me hardest so far this year. I started playing and basically didn't put down my Vita until I finished 17 hours later. That's largely because it's basically a cliffhanger-happy young adult novel in video game form, but still, credit where it's due. Read more

I'm glad to hear that some yahoo decided to revive Community. Does this guy own a TV network or something? Read more

A reader of exceptional taste called for a new Blast Corps (63 votes). But I'm not so sure Nintendo has the rights to that. Read more

Yeah, sorry it's annoying. It appears to be a problem with how kinja and bandcamp work together - I'm glad it works at all, but hopefully our tech folks will figure out a way to just put in the standard embed, which has a play button. Read more

I vastly prefer Shadowplay to Fraps. It's still a little squirrely sometimes (some games don't work unless you turn on desktop recording, etc) but my sense is that once it's out of beta it's going to be pretty beastly, and with a minimal effect on performance. Read more

Every time I see it I wind up just sort of staring for a while. Read more

Hey you never know, maybe after the 5,000th time he punches Wayne he finally just gets tired and goes home. Read more

I used it at E3 and it was pretty sturdy - I'm 6'3 and had no issues. Granted it was a prototype unit, but the same prototype as in the video. That said, they did keep the waist bar low, which meant I had to bend my legs a little bit. They said it'd be easy to adjust a home unit, though. Read more

I should also say that editing the lede on this article with the extension turned on was no easy task:

Some of those screenshots are from the first version I was using over the weekend - the finalized version capitalizes correctly:

I just can't get with the idea that Max Payne 3 is somehow "old." It came out in 2012! I'd like my games to have a shelf-life of more than two years before they become a pain in the ass to get up and running. Read more

First of all: Believe me, this article is in no way some console vs. PC thing. Consoles have heaps of problems with this stuff as well, particularly when it comes to backward compatibility. Separate topic entirely. Read more

When I added that link, my first thought was "I bet this will stir more debate than anything else in the article." Read more